One Minute

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As soon as we were at the top of the tower I lunged back to the elevator. Thalia tackled me from behind, dragging me to the center of the room and throwing me against the central console.

"Shut up and stay put," Thalia growled. She pressed a button on her wrist, sending a jolt of electricity through me. I fell to my knees, panting heavily.

"Thalia, was that really necessary?" Kina asked from somewhere above as I felt a soft hand brush my shoulder. "After all, those were Ezra's friends-"

"He put our entire operation in danger," Thalia interrupted. "Now those two know that Ezra's alive, and they'll keep looking for him until they find him. All of WING is at risk."

"Knock it off," Kina told her. "It's not actually that bad. They're rebels. I bet all they want is Ezra back. If they know he's alive, why not hand him over? He got us in the tower. Isn't that all we needed him for?"

"Of course not. We're not done with him until we Norasky says so."

"You're just paranoid," Kina told her as she rolled her eyes. Thalia snorted and placed the explosives. Kina helped me stand, holding out a steadying hand as I swayed slightly.

I heard the flapping of wings as Steph landed in the open doorway.

"We've got problems," she told us.

"What is it, Steph?" Kina asked. Steph stepped aside, allowing another form to fill the doorway. My breath caught in my throat.

"Kanan?" I asked.

"Ezra!" Kanan exclaimed, walking forward. The click of a blaster stopped him in his tracks.

"Don't take another step," Thalia growled, blaster leveled at Kanan's chest. Kina also had her blaster drawn and pointed at Kanan.

"Guys, he won't hurt us!" I pleaded. "He's fighting the Empire too!"

"I thought I told you to shut up," Thalia growled, moving her hand to shock me again. I flinched, waiting for the pain to explode from the collar. Thalia's hand froze in midair, centimeters from the button.

"Don't hurt Ezra," Kanan said, eyes narrowed in concentration as he held Thalia with the force.

"You're not exactly making a good first impression," Thalia pointed out through gritted teeth.

"You were about to shock Ezra, what did you expect?" Kina retorted, lowering her blaster. "Let them have their talk."

"I say you've got two minutes before problem number two and three shows up," Steph announced, stepping past Kanan and into the room. "And also, for the record I'm with Kina on this one."

"One minute," Thalia snarled. Her hand dropped and she stormed to the other side of the room.

"Make it count," Kina told me, stepping back.

"You came for me!" I exclaimed, running forward and throwing my arms around Kanan.

"Of course I did," Kanan replied.

"Did you know where I was?" I asked.

"We thought you had died," he answered. He laughed slightly. "Looks like you got a new edition. When did you get your wings back?"

"Doctor Carther used a machine to grow them back," I explained. "My cousins rescued me from the lab and took me to their hideout."

"That must have been right before we arrived to rescue you."

"They're keeping me prisoner in some caves," I whispered. "There's no way they'll let me go unless you rescued me."

Kanan's eyes flickered over to my cousins before he removed his communicator and pressed it into my hands.

"Keep it close and hidden," he instructed quietly. "We'll use it to track you."

"Time's up," Thalia announced. "Back away from each other."

"Don't forget me," I pleaded as we separated. A blaster fired and Kanan was temporarily illuminated by a blue light before he crumbled to the ground in a motionless heap.

"Just stunned!" Thalia declared over my shout of protest. "Wouldn't want him following us, would we?"

The elevator doors slid open and stormtroopers rushed into the room, blasters held ready.

"Problem two just got here!" Steph announced needlessly.

"Out! Now!" Kina ordered. Steph ran out the open doorway and launched into the sky as blaster fire filled the air. Thalia an Kina were only a couple steps behind her. I hesitated beside Kanan. He needed help, now.

"Ezra!" a familiar throaty voice shouted. I raised my eyes. Zeb was hauling himself onto the balcony outside. Thalia, Kina, and Steph were all out of sight.

"What happened to Kanan?" he asked, firing his bo-rifle at the stormtroopers as he advanced into the room.

"Thalia stunned him," I explained quickly as we dragged Kanan out onto the balcony. "I need to follow them, or else they'll shock me again. Take Kanan and go back to the others. This place is going to explode any minute."

"But what about you?" Zeb asked.

"I'll be fine, go!" I ordered. I spread my wings as Zeb slung Kanan over his shoulder. As I jumped into the air, a blaze of pain exploded in my side. I was spiraling downward, struggling to remain conscious.

Hands grabbed my ankles and dragged me up once again, heading away from the tower. Thalia and Kina. They had caught me. As my vision started to fade to black, I watched the tower. The Ghost arrived and I saw Zeb board it with Kanan. As they pulled away the tower exploded in a blinding flash of light and sound.

Then everything faded to darkness.

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