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Baby's POV

I put you on the sofa, worry written on my face."(Y/N) I'm sorry." I say, kissing your cheek before I leave to the kitchen to meet this bastard... Ennard.

I hear clattering in the kitchen, assuming its Ennard I run into the kitchen. "Oh hello love~" he purrs, making he cringe and shiver. "Why you hurt Y/N Ennard?!" I demanded to know. He just laughed. "Because, your mine." He says, getting a bit close to me. I step back. "Don't play your games around me." I tell him in an annoyed tone of voice.  He just laughs and pulls me by my wrist and leans me back gracefully. "but dear, He a human~ He not made for you." Ennard states, letting me back up before spinning me around.

I shoved him off. "No! I'm tired of you! Leave me alone! Leave MY Y/N ALONE!" I Yelled. Shock was written all over Ennard's face. He hears you waking up so then he leaves in a hurry. I feel my tears fall down my face as I sat on the floor. I began sobbing into my hands.  "Y/N I'm so sorry love..." I mutter. I then suddenly fell a weight on me. It was you. I turned around and hugged you tightly. "Oh Y/N! I'm SO sorry!" I jump onto you, hugging you tightly. You chuckle and just sit back up from me knocking you down. You then began toying with my hair as a I wiped my tears away.

"Baby, what happened to you?" You asked. I tensed up and sighed. "Its Ennard.. He came back again and Im scared he might hurt you.." I say. You then pick me up and smile.

"Baby, he not going to hurt anyone.. espically me." You tell me, making me feel more reassured. I felt safer with you after you told me that, but I didnt know  if I could trust you on that. I give you a nod then I suddenly feel you pick me up. On instinct I hold fast to you.

"Y/N, where are we going?" I asked. You give me this smile, that I knew meant something good. "We going out tonight, just me and you and the night sky." You say. I smile and give you a quick peck on the lips.

"That would be wonderful."

//*RISES FROM THE MF DEAD YALL* Heyyyyy my peeps! sorry this took so long to update! I feel like I would be better writing this when Im not in school. So, i hope you all dont hate me too much and sorry for the late update! byeeee!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2017 ⏰

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