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The handsome one
I always conjectured once
I never bothered examining him
I wondered why wasn't I convinced by him
I remember that one night when I glanced over him
He looked at me
And with that engaging eye contact
I knew things would never be the same..
His looks were uncommon
The uniqueness of his jawline
Was astounding to me
I had to examine
His eyes were flashing to my eyesight
I had no more questions—weather he was
Mine or not..
His skin against my skin
Was nothing that could ever changed my mind
about loving other men
The next day at his dinner party
I was dressed androgynous
And for what he saw me as,
I guess he couldn't notice
Or what I was to him was anonymous
He had his wife to escort him up to his room
As the unraveling situation continues
I was heavily confused about the dilemma
I was soon vanished to enter
But all I could think of was
Having my very hands entering
His privacy
And authorizing my lips to
It violently
So I had silently rushed through the pain of lust
But I quietly in a huddled of course hushed
By the moment I was up stairs
I witnessed his wife leaving the room
In such a mood
I entered quietly as I maintained the anxiety.
As soon as I glanced at him I stuttered
My heart dropped in such a soothing shuttle
In surprise he was, he had scuttled and grabbed
Me by the hips and began thrusting on my body furiously
I told him that: my intent was to grab your privacy
And as began, the doors were shut privately
But as the doors were forcefully open
His wife appeared in a shock discernment
She wasn't able to grasp or absorb
the pain of the concernment
I had ran away in such shame and guilt.
An adjournment that had just occurred to the
Obscuring pleasure of an enjoyment.
I could never imagine his reaction towards
This madness that had wrecked our worlds apart
And I will never again through the discouragement
Whiteness such a face of a diamond.
I guess I should unveiled the pain and anguish
I once whiteness and now revealed in my journal.
I sometimes wonder if he fantasies about me
Because I feel that the most important person
To me is still alive and well seen by my
Vital mind
The spirit of his, is still flowing around mine.
Nocturnally, he roams by me at night.
I hope the flames between the depth of our very souls are enteral and shall be reunited.

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