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The Park family sat at the round table that was placed in front of the kitchen. They were all enjoying dinner now. Jimin's father got the chance to go home early too. They were all enjoying their meal when suddenly Jin Joo, Jimin's mother, gently placed down her chopsticks on the table.

The other three looked at the woman of the house with a confused look on their face. "Is there something wrong, Jin Joo?" her husband, Jinwoo asked with a concerned tone in his voice. "Oh, there is definitely something wrong!?" Jin Joo shouts as she slammed her hand on the table while standing up.

"Honey, ple-"

"Which one of you ate my chocolate cake!?!?" Jin Joo shouts furiously again. Jimin just smiled at his mother's behaviour while continuing to eat. He could totally see his little brother practically shaking beside him, looking as if he was about to cry. Jinwoo, on the other hand, stared blankly at his wife. "You're mad because someone ate your cake?" Jinwoo continued.

"But dear!? You bought the cake for our anniversary and you know chocolate cakes are my favourite!?" Jin Joo stomped her feet onto the floor like a child while giving Jinwoo the cute pout that he could never resist. Jinwoo's face started to turn red, not because he was embarrassed in front of the kids for his wife's action but the way Jin Joo still acts like a child even when they are already married for 19 years.

"There are still a lo-"

"But someone ate one!?" Jin Joo cuts Jinwoo again. Jihyun looks down at his little feet. He was afraid of being caught by his mother. He hates it when his mother is angry especially when she would scold him for doing something wrong in front of his big brother, Jimin. He doesn't want his brother to see him like this, all afraid and wanting to cry.

Jimin notices the little boy was afraid so he muffled his little brother's hair and gave him a little smile. Jihyun knew what Jimin is about to do and his face brightens up literally a second after that.

"Eomma. Forgive me but I was the one who ate the cake." Jimin said to his mother. Jin Joo looked at her eldest son in disbelief. How can her eldest took her favourite cake just like that when she already told the whole family not to eat the cake.

She put her hands on her waist and gave him a glare. "Why did you eat my cake, hmm?" she asked. "Well, I was hungry~ I only ate a little during lunchtime." Jimin lied but he would rather lie than seeing his beloved little brother cry. It hurts him to see the boy cry even though he knew that the boy did wrong.

"Hmph. Then, your punishment for eating my cake is no meat for tomorrow's dinner." Jin Joo said with a stern look while crossing her arms. Jimin's mouth fell to the ground as he was shocked to hear his mother's words. No meat for dinner? That's like torture for Jimin since he loves meat. Meat is his number one thing. He swallowed the saliva that started to fill his mouth. No meat or see Jihyun cry in front of him?

Jimin sighed. "Okay, Eomma." Jin Joo smiled in victory while her husband just shook his head. The yound lad continued finishing up his meal so he could call his Hobi hyung later. He wanted to tell the sunshine about Jungkook, making him to smile by himself thinking about Jungkook.

"I'm done. Thank you for the food, Eomma." Jimin stood up with his plates and cup in his hands. He went to his mother's side and kissed her head lovingly, sucking in a bit of her mother's smell. Roses. That's how she smells, very loving and calming. No wonder his father chose her to be his mate. "The food was delicious."  Jimin said as he backed away, enough to see his mother smiling sweetly at him.

Jimin went to the kitchen to wash his dishes when he felt a tug on his shorts. As he looked down, it was his little Jihyun looking up at him with his doe eyes. "What is it, Jihyun.?" Jimin smiled at him as he put down the dishes that he just washed on the counter. He crouched down so that he's just at the eye level of his little brother. "Is there something bugging you?" Jimin asked, a bit concerned when Jihyun didn't answer him and just stare at him.

"I can smell him, Jimin." Jihyun said low, not wanting their parents to hear what they're talking about. And at that moment, he could smell it, the pheromones that his little brother is letting out. His little brother is different. He's an alpha and he sometimes gets very protective about Jimin but usually his pheromones are not this sharp and dreadful. Usually when alphas release these kind of pheromones are when they're going to fight or when they are furious.

"Him?" Jimin asked innocently. He knows his little brother a lot, more than their parents do. Jihyun averted their gaze to put his plates on the counter while tip toeing. He looked back at Jimin, who he loved so much ever since he could remember. Jihyun is sad and furious. He had so many in thoughts when it comes to his brother.

Jimin could now smell the sadness in Jihyun's pheromones. "Jimin..." Jihyun finally spoke after what felt like hours of gazing into Jimin's eyes. Jimin hummed in response. "Who's that alpha that you were with?". Jimin smiled.

"It was Hob-"

"You're lying." Jihyun cuts off "He touched you, didn't he?" Jihyun is practically growling and baring his fangs. His eyes changed from black to green. "If he dares to-" "Jihyun, I'm fine. Don't worry." Jimin said as he cupped the raging boy's cheek. He picked the boy up and kissed his forehead. "I like this side of you. So protective. I'm sure some day, your mate would be very proud to have you as her alpha." Jimin continued complimenting the little boy in his arms until his face is as red as a tomato.

They said their good nights to their parents as they head off to Jihyun's room. Jihyun hugged the omega's neck that held him soft in his arms as if he was the most fragile object in the house. Strawberry. That is Jimin's scent and Jihyun loved it. If he could be reborn, he wished to not be Jimin's little brother and would love to be his alpha, to be the one who will be by his side till the end of time.

This little crush on his big brother grew and grew up till now and it's still growing. Only this title of 'little brother' is restraining him from wanting to be Jimin's alpha. This title is like a chain in his neck and hands, keeping him from reaching out to Jimin. He hates this feeling.

The older slowly lays Jihyun down on his own bed. He slides the blanket up to Jihyun's chest and pat it gently afterwards. "Go to sleep, Jihyun." Jimin said low as he turned on the nightlight at the bedside table. "You're gonna need a lot of energy for the school trip tomorrow."  Jimin continued as he brushed the younger's hair to the back, revealing his forehead as Jimin kissed it.

"Will you pick me up at school tomorrow after the trip?" Jihyun said, sounding a bit raspy as the sleepiness is taking over him. Jihyun smiled before dozing off right after his brother answered "Sure."

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