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Jimin waited for his little brother while sitting on a bench at the mini playground near the preschool. Some parents have already arrived to pick up their children from the trip. Jimin can't seem to find any highschooler around so he decided to stay far away from the crowd of parents. Not that he's antisocial, they just happens to be businessmen and businesswomen and each one had dominant aura.

The place was quiet because no one was interacting. Everyone was on their phones but Jimin. Eyes were looking down on the screen with the dim light from the screen shining on their faces. Jimin looked down, not to his phone screen but his shoes as he slowly rubs his shoes onto the ground, making a bit of noise around the area that wouldn't disturb the others.

Jimin was wearing a black and grey stripes turtleneck, black ripped jeans and a pair of ankle high boots to suit with the shirt. He hoped that his appearance wouldn't attract any attention but it did in the end when he got into the train when he was on the way to Jihyun's kindergarten and some high school girls were staring at him while whispering to each other as if Jimin did something wrong.

Jimin sighed in frustration as he was already tired of waiting. It's almost 5.50 pm and Jihyun told him that he would arrive around 5 but even the bus has not arrived . He's starting to get worried of the little boy. What if the boy got into an accident?  What if he was kidnapped? He shouldn't have let the boy go to such trips. What was he thinking when he told his mother to let Jihyun go?

He stood up and scooped his hands into his back pocket to get his phone when suddenly he heard a loud honk. He looked at a junction near the preschool and spotted a bus had stopped on its track. The door of the bus slowly slides open and a line of cute children started to get off the bus, all running up to their parents.

The once quiet surrounding is finally filled with giggles and laughters of children. The bus had finally been emptied but Jimin didn't see any trace of Jihyun getting off the bus. The bus then closed its door and started moving away slowly from the preschool. Jimin dropped the little bag he brought with him that contains Jihyun's clothes as he was terrified of the thought of losing his baby brother. Jimin was ready to chase the bus when he heard a high pitched voice calling his name from behind.

"Chiming~~" Jimin turned around only to see his little brother running towards him with his Naruto shirt and a pair of shorts. Jihyun was holding a red plastic that could maybe contain his wet attire. He looks like a happy little boy running around the paddy field during summer with no worries in his chest.

A smile was slowly forming on Jimin's face without him knowing and with natural instincts, he immediately ran after the boy, lifted the younger off the ground while spinning around and finally hugged him close to his chest.

Jihyun giggled at his big brother's actions. "Hehe were you scared when you didn't see me?" the little boy teased the omega as he saw Jimin's terrified expression. The omega just rolled his eyed in annoyance. "How was the trip?" Jimin asked Jihyun while putting him back on the ground. The younger gave the omega a big smile with a thumbs up, just like what Naruto would do. Jimin just laughed at the boy's action.

The omega picked up the bag that he dropped a while ago and held Jihyun's hand, ready to go to the train station and go back home. "Jimin?" the younger called out for the redhead and Jimin hummed as a response. "Can we go buy ice cream?" Jihyun asked his big brother with puppy eyes and a pout on his face, confident that his brother would not reject because Jihyun knew that it was Jimin's weakness. Jimin just laughed and said "Not gonna work this time, lil guy. You'll catch a cold if you eat ice cream after swimming and we wouldn't want that to happen."

Jihyun just sighed and mumbled an "okay". Jimin stole a glance towards the little boy that looked at his feet while walking to the train station. Jimin felt rather guilty towards the boy so, he tried to think of any solutions that might make the boy cheer up a little bit and he knew just a thing. "But..." Jimin continues and this caught the alpha's attention to look straight up to his big brother. "We can get some muffins at this one coffee shop near our house area. Wanna go there?" Jimin knew he made the right decision when he saw the gleam in Jihyun's eyes and the big smile plastered on his face. "YESSSSS" the 5 year old boy shouts, making Jimin to laugh more.

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