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It's 2 pm in the evening. School had just ended an hour ago and Jimin is sitting on a bench, observing his two favourite alpha, Namjoon and Hoseok practising baseball for the upcoming tournament. The sound of the ball being hit by a bat echoes in Jimin's ears and he could see Hoseok running for home run.

There were people screaming and cheering for Hoseok but Jimin remained still, knowing his hyung best, Hoseok will always save and he couldn't be more right when the referee blows the whistle signaling a home run.

The other players cheered for Hoseok while surrounding the sweaty boy. Jimin, on the other hand sat still on the bench watching his hyung having the time of his life. Hoseok and Namjoon are in the school team due to their stamina. Always returning to school with medals hanging on their necks. How Jimin wished to be like them but he just can't.

He's just sitting on the bench to waste time so he could pick up his little brother that won't be returning from school trip until 3. Jimin finally sighed and slung his bag on his shoulder, about to go back home and decided to pick his little brother after he took a shower instead but he then got pulled back by the wrist, making him stop on his track.

He was about to turn around and told the person to let go of him when he saw a basketball flew by just a few inches away from his face. He looked over to the ball that hit a wall and was rolling towards him. "You're okay, Jimin?"  a familiar voice asked. Jimin searched for the source of the voice, only to see Hoseok with a worried expression glued to his face while holding his wrist.

"I'm fine." Jimin replied with a small smile. Hoseok lets go of his wrist and pat the younger's head lovingly. Sure, seeing Hoseok gets all the attention from other people is boring for Jimin but deep down, he knew Hoseok would only gives his attention to him and no one else.

A boy ran towards Jimin and Hoseok to get the ball that was with them. It was the boy that he bumped yesterday while walking home. Jimin pursed his lips together, afraid if the boy was going to yell at him for spilling coffee on his shirt. As the scarlet hair boy got closer, he instantly asked Jimin if he was hurt. "Hey you're okay?" Jimin looked at the boy to say that he was fine but his words got stuck in his throat when he sees Jungkook running towards him with a worried look.

He was wearing a white shirt and a grey sweatpants and good golly, Jungkook was drenched with sweat, making his white shirt to stick onto his body like it was glued to that master piece. Not to mention, Jimin could clearly see those toned six packs underneath the shirt.

Jungkook slowed his pace and smacked the boy that were talking to Jimin just now on the head. "You almost fucking hit Jimin, Taehyung! Apologise to him!" Jungkook scolded the boy but the other just rubbed his head while whining. "I was about to..till you showed up." the boy with the scarlet hair continued. "Sorry, Jimin. Stupid Taehyung doesn't know how to throw a ball properly." Jungkook said as he gave Jimin, the smallest among them a sweet smile and got hit on the shoulder.Jimin giggled at the two's behaviour looking almost like brothers.

Suddenly, Hoseok pulled Jimin until the omega was behind him, now in a protective stance. Jungkook saw what Hoseok was doing and he doesn't like the way he was acting, as if Jungkook was a harm to Jimin. The air suddenly felt heavy for Jimin as the alphas were letting out their pheromones and both Jungkook and Hoseok were growling at each other.

"Jungkook, let's go." Taehyung tried to break off the intense staring of the two and pat Jungkook on the chest to get his attention. Jungkook just hummed, eyes still on Hoseok. "Jimin..." he called out for the omega and Jimin peeps at him from behind Hoseok. "Wanna walk home together?"  Jungkook asked and as Jimin was about to answer,  Hoseok cuts him off. "He'll be going home early and don't you dare go near him, you punk." Hoseok said as he hid Jimin even more behind his back.

Jungkook's attention went back to the alpha that was hiding Jimin behind him. "What the fuck is his problem!?" Jungkook thought to himself and he was ready to punch Hoseok in the face but he kept his calm. His palm was turning white for gripping it too hard. His pheromones might scared the shit out of Jimin but he can't seem to control it, not without Hoseok letting out his own pheromones too. His alpha pride won't let him lose to another alpha.

"D-do-don't fight, you two." Jimin hits Hoseok's back playfully, trying his best not to sound afraid. Jungkook and Hoseok didn't budge even for a second and Jimin was really scared if they would start a ruckus at that moment until someone pats Hoseok on the shoulder. It was Namjoon, squeezing Hoseok's shoulder a bit firmly signaling him to stop. Hoseok just nods in return.

"We still have some practice to do, Hoseok. Let's go." Namjoon said and gave Jungkook and Taehyung a smile before excusing themselves. "Stay safe" was all Hoseok said before leaving Jimin behind with Jungkook and Taehyung. Taehyung excuses himself first as the others were already shouting at him for the ball. So, Jimin and Jungkook are finally alone again.

Both Jimin and Jungkook stood in front of each other, not knowing what to say. Jungkook was actually afraid that the little omega was terrified of him because of his actions just now. Who wouldn't be. "So i assume you don't wanna walk home together." Jungkook tried to build a conversation between them. "Eh, no no.. I do want to walk home with you but.." Jimin stutters. "I have to pick up my little brother at his kindergarten so I need to leave now. Maybe next time." Jimin assured the alpha. Jungkook just smiled sadly and nod. They then waved their goodbyes and went separate ways.


Jungkook can't seem to concentrate on the game, thinking about the little omega walking home alone. Will he be safe? What if someone tries to harass him?  He tried to dunk the ball into ring but missed and sighed in frustration. He then felt a tap on his shoulder, only to find Taehyung smiling at him. "Wanna buy ice cream after this?" he asked and Jungkook shooked his head.

Taehyung picked up the ball that was lying on the concrete, ready to be thrown again. "Ah, yknow that guy just now looks really familiar." Taehyung exclaimed, getting Jungkook's attention. "What? You mean Jimin?" . "That's his name?" Taehyung asked, his back was facing Jungkook as he tried to dunk the ball into the ring. He missed and just chuckled at the result.

Taehyung ruffled his beautiful locks, making some of his sweats to fall from his hair dramatically. With the afternoon light shining upon them both, it was so aesthetic as little rainbows started to form in between them as they share a really intense stare and at a time like this in a romance movie, the two protagonists would kiss each other on the lips but sadly only one of the two boys had such feelings towards the other. Tragic.

"Pfft hahaha am i really that hot up to a point you can't stop staring at me?" Taehyung teased the younger that has his eyes fixed on the beta. "What. Hell no. You were talking about Jimin just now." Jungkook told the other and was ready to hear some good shits from the beta but Taehyung just shrugged his shoulders in return, already lazy to explain Jungkook about the small omega that had been lingering in Jungkook's mind.

"What do you mean...?" Jungkook imitated Taehyung's action and stood in front of him, blocking him from dunking the ball again. "Tch. Get out of the way." Taehyung complained, trying to slide away from Jungkook but the younger was fast enough to block him again, thanks to his bigger size body and height.

In the end, the beta gave up and sighed heavily. "Don't you get it already?" Taehyung then threw the ball to Jungkook who caught it easily. The alpha just tilted his head a bit in confusion.  "Get what?" Jungkook asked the beta but Taehyung just walked away while giving him the middle finger in return. "what the hell.." the younger muttered to himself and started to play again by himself.

"Thick-headed dick. No wonder his head is so fucking big." Taehyung muttered to himself, angry at the alpha as he washed his head at the public pipe. He watches the water flow from his head to the side of his face, then to his nose and finally drops into the drain. The sound of the water hitting the tile relaxes his mind a bit. He closed his eyes and remembered the way he touches Taehyung's hair in a loving way. His smile only belongs to him once till one day, that omega came.

Taehyung turned off the faucet and stood up properly. Water droplets are forming at the end of his hair, hitting his face from time to time. His vision finally focused on him. He looked at the alpha who's playing all by himself. "Get it already....please." the beta mumbled.

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