"Baby it's cold outside,"

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Music Sheet 


At the next day, also at the next day, they were awkward and silence—not even a smile came across their faces. It made the colleagues to ask question but only Kai knew, he was actually at work at those days and helped them too.

Then on one night when everyone was busy with other things, Jungkook was left with Nissa at the store with Christmas songs. Nissa was actually singing along to the song like nothing ever happened between them.

She looked rather happier than Jungkook, her smiles were bright like before and her laughter was loud like before too. She got to know Kai too, which it made Jungkook a little bit jealous.

"Karma," Kai would whisper to him whenever he saw him in jealousy.

He looked wasted unlike Nissa, his long face scared everyone because he was never like that before. His hair was messy as well, sometimes people though he didn't get a shower.

"Nissa..." he dared to call her name. "Why...?" his question made her turned around to face him. "Why don't you trust me anymore?"

She paused the time, and faked a cheeky smile. "My grandmother told me to never trust strangers, we're a perfect stranger," her answered made him hung his low, feeling a little sad.

"Where did that love go?" he asked, lifting his head. "Look into my eyes and say that you we're a fucking stranger now..." he gritted his teeth, trying to hold back his anger.

His eyes stared into hers, but she looked away and blinked a few times. "You think I could believe you after you kissed my sister? I don't if you kiss sister, but it hurt me when you told me those sweet lies and I believed you with all my heart."

"You don't understand, I was breaking up with her..." he paused as he took a deep breath when he saw a tear slipped from her eyes.

She gasped loudly. "You were with her when you were with me?" she looked at him with disbelief. "And yet you said you love me..."

"I told you I never love her. I told that I wanted to tell you something...so I wanted to tell you that I dated your sister for years but it was because of a reason to save her from humiliation."

Nissa shook her head. "Bullshit," she swore under her breath before she walked out but Jungkook hurried run to catch her. "Then why the fuck were you kissing her?"

"She kissed me, but I didn't. I would never kiss someone I never love, Nissa I only want you..." but she shook her head again.

"Save it, we're a perfect stranger now..." she said, looking into his eyes without a blink. Then she left him alone with another rejection.

He let out a long sigh and he closed his eyes shut before he banged his head on the wall. "Jungkook?" he let out a groan when he heard that voice he didn't want to hear.

"What do you want?" he asked as he turned around to face her. She handed him a pregnancy test stick to her, which he grabbed it and smirked when there's a positive sign. "Ah, you're pregnant? Well congratulation," he said as he handed back the stick.

"It's our baby! Don't you think we should get back together for the sake of our child?" she sobbed.

Jungkook tilted her head before he let out a low chuckle. "I'm sorry what?" his laughter got louder and louder. "You must be mistaken, I'm not Kai, I didn't sleep with you. Kai did."

Music Sheet | J.J.K (completed) NOT A DAMN LISA AND JUNGKOOK SHIPPING FIC FFSWhere stories live. Discover now