"I didn't know that we'd fall for each other before sight..."

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Music Sheet


December, 2017

He was smiling with his eyes closed while devouring the wintery wind; his hand gripped his hot mug tightly. His heart was finally calming down after the long pounds; he was thrilled and he had to hold his feeling.

Then he opened his eyes when a presence sat beside him. He turned to face her and she was already smiling from ear to ear. "Thank you..." he said once he reached for her hands and interlocked them. "I just—" he didn't get to finish talking because his heart began to pound again.

She giggled as she watched him acting so cute. "Kook, it has been years now and if it's still not enough, we can still discover each other," she said before she ruffled his hair softly. "Of course I want to marry you..."

Her words touched him; he was afraid that everything goes wrong because they were only dating a year ago. They were still lacking, but everyone could see that they were like destined from the start.

She pressed her lips against his forehead, slowly to his nose. In a swift, Jungkook kissed her lips without waiting for her; they were smiling between the kisses and she giggled when his tongue entered her mouth.

He immediately pulled away after he realised what he was doing; he was losing his control in the midst of the hot session. "I'm really sorry..." he apologised, scratching his nape as he awkwardly stood up to leave her alone on the bench.

"What is wrong with him?" she asked to herself, giggling and shaking her head in disbelief. Throughout their relationship, they promised that they won't anything serious than a kiss since they were still young. "Kook!" she shouted his name as she ran inside the house.


They were walking in the snow, hand in hand, talking about the future they wanted to have. "It's cold," she said breathlessly, tightly holding his hand. He looked at her in concern, so he let go of her hand to pull his jacket off; but he stopped when she held his hand back. "Are you crazy? You'll get cold if you give me your jacket!"

"But you're cold!"

He had loved her more from days to days; watching her playing the piano to people made his smile grew wide every seconds. His love for her was bigger than any building, deeper than any ocean, meaningful than any words.

She rolled her eyes playfully. "But still, you'll get cold and end up getting sick! I don't you to get sick!" she explained with her voice rising.

"Ah, you're afraid I might get sick. How sweet of you—"

"Don't flatter yourself, I don't want you to get sick, so I don't have to take care of your fat butt!" her replies made him laughed out loud. "Now hurry up! The Store is opening soon! I want to see how big the building got!"

Their relationship had gotten weirder and weirder as days passed in other's eyes. They liked to insult each other on their faces, but at the same they would get cheesy with their sweet talking. It was like they were only best friends, but oh, their love towards each other couldn't be compared to anyone.

Once they arrived, the store was already packed with customer even though it gotten bigger. After last year event for Christmas Eve, the store received more customers on 2017; then they got other braches at every town and in the city, it has gotten famous. So they renovated the first pet store and ended up full as well.

"See! I told you to hurry up!" she shouted in his ears. He covered her mouth as they walked inside the pet store through the back door.

"You two are late!" Jane scolded the both of them once they entered. Nissa pointed her indes finger to Jungkook like a little girl. Jane shook her head. "Get your uniform; we got so many customers waiting!"

It wasn't actually just a pet store, there were classes for a beginner to take care of their pets and also vets for sick pets too. The three sections was all from Nissa's money; at first they were very uncomfortable with it but she was not never the girl who wanted repays. She was the reason to their success.


(Play; the Swan by Saint Sean)

His smile grew wider even with his closing eyes; just like before they met—the musical piano she played soothed him with fluttering heart. He remembered every little moment they had, those times when they were still fools.

He couldn't believe that he was with her; the girl who he only watched from a far—the girl who made him fall in love just by her talent in playing the piano. It was slow when she played, but it was fast for he fell.

The music stopped; she stopped playing, but his eyes were still closed. So she stood up from her seat and walked over to him. She held his hands and helped him stand up. "Don't open your eyes," she whispered to him.

She brought him to the middle of the hall, where everyone dances. There was no music, just their soft breathing and their slow heart beating. She guided his left hand to her back, and the other one on her waist, and then she put her hand on his shoulder.

"Remember when we first met?" she asked, slowly guiding him to dance with her. He nodded his head slowly. "I remembered that time I was really scared to talk to you..." she let out a a little laugh before she continued. "I didn't know that we're going to be here."

She meant, she didn't know that they were going to be more than two people talking in the dark with the moon as the only light at the bus stand, near to the arena where they actually fell in love to each others.

She leaned closer to rest her head on his chest; she could hear his heart beating. "I didn't know that we walked so far in the cold..." she whispered before she closed her eyes.

Jungkook kissed the top of her head; slowly he fluttered his eyes open to stare at her beautiful face—who would've known that they were going to be one? It was far from prediction; they were far from each other; they never met each other before yet their love had already developed.

"I didn't know that you'll be mine when we were on the wrong path..." he whispered closely in her ears. They giggled at the same time when he said; "I didn't know that we'd fall for each other before sight..."

Music can make you fall in love, a smile can melt everyone hearts, and love before sight exists even though it sounded so impossible—but when it's about love...everything is possible. It might be stupid, but love itself is stupid, thus we are all stupidly a fool to fall in love.


Music Sheet | J.J.K (completed) NOT A DAMN LISA AND JUNGKOOK SHIPPING FIC FFSWhere stories live. Discover now