xi. and an obscurial is unleashed (let terror reign!)

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11 | and an obscurial is unleashed (let terror reign!)

THEY STOOD TOGETHER on the top of another building, looking down on the streets of New York. Dorothy stood closest to Newt, their hands almost touching. She wanted so badly to intertwine them, but a sort of fear came over her, and she didn't. Rejection was harsh, and she didn't know if she could handle it, especially since she had never felt anything like what Newt made her feel before.

From the edge, she began to see the chaos that was forming on the streets, and fear was struck inside her. Her home, her city...it was under attack.

"Jeez...is that the Obscuria-thing?" Jacob asked, alarmed by what was happening. Sirens wailed, but they knew that the police could do nothing.

"That's more powerful than any Obscurial I have ever heard of..." Newt trailed off as a loud explosion sounded. That was then they were the fire...the burning, and Dorothy gulped at the sight. Her city was burning, the place she had called home all her life, the place she met all her friends...it was burning.

Then, Newt gave his case and a journal from his pocket to Dorothy. "If I don't come back, look after my creatures. Everything that you need to know is in there."

He didn't make any eye contact with her as she uttered, "What?" She looked at him with wide eyes, knowing that he said, but not wanting to believe him.

"They're not killing it," he said, looking at the town. Their eyes meet only for a moment, and she was sure that Newt could see the fear in hers. Then, he jumped, Disapparating as he did.

"Newt!" Dorothy cried after him, distraught by what she had seen and heard. There was a spark inside her then that had ignited. She had to help, she had to make sure that Newt was okay. Dorothy couldn't stay there, helpless. No, she had to do something meaningful with her life. And the chance was then.

She slammed the case into Tina's hands, "You heard him - look after then!" She said to quickly before Disapparating as well, going down to the streets where chaos reigned.

Once she was down in the streets, she knew that there was no turning back. Dorothy saw the back of Newt, and she stalked up to him, barely missing him as he Disapparated somewhere else.

She looked up to see the Obscurus writhing around the square. It was angry - hurt even - and she could see the faint outline of a face inside, but she wasn't close enough to tell clearly who it was. Again, she Disapparated to get closer.

"To survive so long, with this inside you, Credence, is a miracle. You are a miracle. Come with me - think of what we could achieve together!" she heard Graves shout at the Obscurus.

She gasped, bringing her hand to her mouth as she listened. It was Credence - he was the Obscurus. And Graves...Graves wasn't who he posed to be, was he? No, something was wrong with him. He needed to be taken down, just from hearing that, she knew.

She Disapparated again, seeing the British man she was looking for. "Newt!" she yelled, catching his attention. He quickly moved to her.

"It's the Second Salem boy. He's the Obscurial," he explained as Dorothy nodded.

"I know," she said, "But how? He's not a child."

"I know - but I saw him - his power must be so strong - he's somehow managed to survive. It's incredible," Newt said in chopped sentences.

There was another scream from Obscurus - no, from Credence - and Dorothy gulped. She made a decision. He couldn't be killed, he was innocent. They couldn't kill him.

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