Chapter 4: A TIDAL WAVE!? (≧◡≦) ♡

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"Stacey... I don't think it's right to leave Jan-Jan..." I tried pouting but she just gave me a stare that completely says one more and I'll strangle you. I only said that for like 10 times, so no reason to murder someone sheesh. Wait aren't we late for 2nd subject? I pulled out my phone from my pocket to check the time when I collided with a wall, ha? I don't recall our school having a wall near the-...

Holy mother of all sexiness, thank you for blessing me, thank you for giving birth to me, thank you for giving birth to this Greek God in front of me! But of course my own clumsiness disrupted my pure bliss. As my phone fell off of my hand I felt like I was in a movie with all the slow motion thingy aghhh! My baby is falling! I saw a flash of skin colour whipped and saved my falling phone from death. The hallway went silent and I suddenly felt the urge to hide in the nearest comfort room. "You okay there? Here you almost dropped your phone."

Haaa God why are you so kind today? I quickly grabbed my phone then thanked him... Evans... "No prob, it was my fault for bumping into you anyways. See ya." Evans waved then smiled at me. My heart! I can practically imagine a tidal wave engulfing me right now. Breathe Lily, breathe. You can't die yet, what will happen to your planned wedding if you die now?

An impatient coughing sounded from behind me, sounded like Stacey? I turned around and came face to face to an annoyed looking Stacey. "Stacey! Where have you been?" Stacey's glare hardened then she pinched my cheek. "I WAS RIGHT HERE THE WHOLE TIME. THE FUCK IS WITH YOU? YOU LOOK LIKE A TOMATO! THANK YOU!? YOU SHOULD'VE DRAGGED THE CONVERSATION MORE- mmmyoummmsthapmmm." I covered Stacey's mouth then laughed loudly. She finally stopped squirming and settled on a glare. Oh dear, what will I do without my friends. I smiled at Stacey then hugged her. "Thank you." I then dragged a confused looking Stacey to our next class, which we got scolded for being 15 minutes late.
*hides behind a passing stranger*
Sorry it's short! Please don't kill mehhh!

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