Chapter 3

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Cade's P.O.V

     "Look. They don't pay me to spend my day making phone calls trying to contact his next of kin." Murray says.

     "You can't get in touch with his father?" Victoria asks.

     I roll my eyes, there is no way they will talk to my father. The only reason he still talks to me is because I'm the only one who can get the stuff he wants, and he doesn't even care if I get caught. "Good luck with that." I blurt out.

     "I've called at least a half dozen times, left messages. Nobody's coming for the kid. Can you blame them?" Murray insults. I glare at him, his face expression and his body language tells me that he thinks this is some sort of joke. I've wanted to punch his face so many times, but I know I can't because I'll get done for.

     "I suggest you find a foster home like real soon, or the kid's going back in the shelter." Murray informs Victoria.

     "I'm not going to some foster home." I blurt out. Like hell I'm going to some shitty home with adults acting as if everything is going to be okay.

     "You got any better suggestions?" Murray glares at me.

     I look over to Victoria. She's thinking about something. But what could she possible be thinking. I'm either going to a foster home or shelter. I'm pretty sure she already made her mind up. I'm going to some sloppy foster home that stinks of...

     "I'll take temporary custody." Victoria blurts out. Mine and Murray's eyes widen and shoot them towards Victoria.

     She can't be thinking right, I think to myself. "No way." I argued. I don't want to put Victoria through the trouble of having me around her house. I would be a nightmare towards her. It wouldn't be fair. I also don't want to get involved with Jules either. They are both so innocent and if I stay under their roof, I was certain there was going to be some trouble.

     "Have you lost your mind?!" Murray raged. For once, I think we agree on something. "Do you have any idea what you're dealing with here?!"

     "Yes I do" Victoria says with a bored tone.

     "Breaking and entering. Assault." Murray clarifies over the things I have been accused for. I may have done a few of them things but they blame me way too much. If something bad happens around the area I am in at that time, they will automatically assume I did something. "And that girl's death just last year?!"

     I just hate it when he brings up Roxy. I know I didn't have anything to do with her accident. Of course I was a trouble maker back then, and just because I was there, Murray instantly thought I had done it. But they found nothing connecting me with the incident so they couldn't really press any charges which I am thankful for.

     "You had no proof then, you have no proof now" Victoria defends as if she can read my mind.

     "After what he did, you're going to bring this kid under the same roof as you and your DAUGHTER?!" Murray explodes. He is fully pissed. Even though he is a dark colour, you can see his face turning red and veins popping out of his neck and forehead.

     "Hey." I grab his attention, I know I won't be a threat to Victoria or Jules but he can't seem to get it in the thick scull oh his. "I saved her ass Friday night." I defend myself.

     "I've worked with Cade for years." She obviously didn't register the words I had just said into her brain yet. After her sentence she turned towards with wide eyes from the shock. "Wait... WHAT?!" She screams.

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