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(3rd person POV)

The sky was dark. The heavy clouds blocked out the sunlight. Baekhyun stood outside of the hospital, too scared to go in. Minseok, Kyungsoo, and Luhan were with him. Jongdae, Jongin, Sehun, ZiTao, and Yifan were at Chanyeol's house, waiting and giving Baekhyun his space to visit Chanyeol's cold, twisted, and bloody body.

Baekhyun swallowed and stepped inside. a nurse led him to a room and stood by the door, head bowed. Baekhyun choked back a sob and stepped inside. The room was small, with only one bed. The bed was occupied by non other than Park Chanyeol. Baekhyun sobbed quietly as he walked over to the body of his lover.

he twisted the ring that was on his finger. it was the same that Chanyeol used to propose to him. He looked down into Chanyeol's still face.

"He looks so peaceful." Baekhyun mumbled sadly. "Much more peaceful than when he was alive." his words died. a tear slid down his face. He fell to his knees and clutched Chanyeol's shirt tightly.

"Why Chanyeol?! Why did you leave me?!" He yelled why crying. "I'm sorry Chanyeol! I'm sorry! I'll marry you now! I don't care if i only have a week left! I will marry you!" He felt two people pulling him off of Chanyeol. He struggled. "Look Chanyeol!" He thrust his left hand at the body. "Look! I'm wearing the ring! I'm wearing the ring! I want to marry you! So stop pretending to be dead and ask me again! I won't refuse you!" he fell limp in Minseok and Kyungsoo's arms, weeping loudly. he fell from their arms to the floor.

"What did i do to deserve this life?" he whispered to the floor. A loud blast of thunder sounded and he launched at Chanyeol, seeking comfort in the dead arms. he looked up into Chanyeol's broken and cut face. sniffing, he pressed his lips to Chanyeol's and tasted the crusted blood. "I'm sorry..." he whispered against his lips. he pulled away and tried to pull open Chanyeol's hand. it fell open to reveal his picture. Baekhyun felt a fresh wave of tears.

he gingerly took his ring off and placed it on top of the picture and closed Chanyeol's hand around the two objects. He kissed Chanyeol's cold knuckles. Quietly, Baekhyun stood, still holding onto Chanyeol's cold and lifeless hand.

"Baek..." Luhan whispered. "It's time to go."

Baekhyun nodded. He felt a hand grasp his and he looked up into Kyungsoo's eyes. They were filled with pain.

He led Baekhyun out of the room, Luhan and Minseok following.

"Baek" Minseok started. "We have to get ready for the funeral."

Baekhyun nodded. A raindrop fell from the sky and landed on his cheek. He looked up at the sky.

"Look Minseok, the sky is crying. The sky is mourning." His voice was quiet and filled with sorrow and grief. "The sky is crying."

Baekhyun heard a deep voice on the soft wind that no one else heard. He turned his head to find the sorce, only to see no one. The soft, deep voice sounded again.

"Baby don't cry...tonight."

An invisible hand seemed to cradle Baekhyun's cheek and wipe away his tears.


Baby dont cry...tonight~


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