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Park Chanyeol slumped down into his seat at SM Academy. He dropped his head down onto the desk, waiting for the bell to ring. In a few moments it did. Students started filing in through the doorway. Chanyeol's eyes drooped close. He didn't get much sleep last night because he kept thinking about onr person. Damn it, he thought. Why can't i get him out of my head?

Chanyeol noted that a few of his buddies came and plopped down next to him. Oh Sehun, Kim Jongin, and Kim Jongdae were blabbering about something that Chanyeol took no interest in.

They quieted as the teacher, Mr Moon, strood into the classroom. All his friends moved to his left side, leaving the seat to his right open. Standing at the front of the class, Mr Moon cleared his throat to speak.

"Students, we have a speacial surprise for you. A new student will be joining your ranks. I exspect you to be nice to him. " all the students murmered in undetstanding.

Chanyeol's large ears perked up in curiosity and he raised his head. The teacher motined to the door. It opened a bit and Chanyeol's eyes widened at the face thst stepped into the waiting classroom.

No, Chanyeol panicked. Not him. Anyone but him. A small boy timidly walked into the room. Chanyeol felt anger and surprise bubble up inside of him.

The boy opened his mouth to introduce himself but Chanyeol had other plans. "Byun Baekhyun," he growled loudly enough for everyone to hear. "BYUN BAEKHYUN," he said again, this time shouting the name in disgust and standing up suddenly. "HOW DARE YOU SHOW YOUR FACE HERE!"

Baekhyun's face showed pure horror and fear as Chanyeol yelled at him. He started shaking and his bottom lip quivered. he swallowed hard. "Park Chanyeol..."

hey yalls. Wassup?

So this is my first story so it kinda is suckish and cringeworthy, with a dash of clichè. Ok maybe a butt-load of clichè.

Sry bout that. So this chapter is short cuz its just like an introductary of sorts.

Next chapter comin out soon. Yay!!

Till next time


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