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(Chanyeol's POV)

I was laying on the couch in the main room in my house. Baekhyun lay on top of me, his head on my chest. He was basically using me as a bed, his whole body resting fully on mine. He was in one of my shirts and his boxers. I was dressed the same. He was playing with my fingers, entwining them with his and rubbing my knuckles. I smiled and wrapped my arms around his body, holding him closer like a giant teddy bear. He lifted his head so his chin was resting on my chest and he was looking at me with half-closed puppy eyes. He smiled warmly and closed his eyes. I brushed some hair out of his face and bent to place a kiss on his forehead.

"Channie..." he mumbled.


"I love you." he replied sleepily and laid his head on my chest again.

"I love you too, Baekkie." i said closing my eyes.

"My birthday is in a few days." he mumbled again. "Just so you know."

"Really?!" I exclaimed, sitting up and causing Baekhyun to yelp and almost tumble off the couch. i caught him in the last second and pulled him back on top of me, laying down again. "I had...forgotten." i said feeling guilty.

"It's ok, Channie." he said, stroking my cheek with his finger. "We haven't seen each other in five years. i didn't expect you to remember."

"No Baek...it's not that..." my cheeks reddened a bit. "I remembered every year. I always felt sad on that day. for five years." the tears made a wet spot on my chest and i looked down to see them running down his cheeks.

"Aww shit Baekhyun! I didn't mean to make you cry! I'm sorry! Baby don't cry!" i started to panic.

"N-no i-its ok, Ch-Chanyeol. I'm c-crying because i'm h-happy." He said in between sobs. He hugged me tightly, pressing his face into my chest.

"Baek..." i sighed and ran my fingers through his hair.

He suddenly pushed himself up and slotted our mouths together. i was surprised. my eyes grew wide. He pulled back and looked at me.

"Channie...i'm so happy i got to meet you back then. and i'm so glad that you love me. I could never have asked for anyone better to love and be loved by. Thank you so much!" He kissed me again. MY eyes darted to the calendar that hung on the wall. The date read May 4th. Two days till his birthday. I kissed him back and closed my eyes. We pulled away from each other and smiled. I brought a hand up and wiped away his tears. he giggled and nuzzled into my hand like a puppy.

He smiled and sat up so he was straddling my stomach. i gulped, turning red. He arched his back, stretching and raising his arms above his head. He started falling backwards so i gripped his hips and stabilized him. He looked down at me and placed his hands on mine. He smirked and rolled his hips once. i started to salivate and gripped his hips harder. he rolled them again. i let out a low groan at the friction. he giggled.

suddenly the door burst open. Sehun came running in with Luhan.

"Yoda! Bacon! Come come come come come!!!!" Sehun yelled.

"We found this on your door!" Luhan said loudly, waving a paper around. He and Sehun stopped dead when they saw our position. Sehun smirked and Luhan raised an eyebrow.

"Did we interrupt something?" Sehun said, trying to stifle a snicker. i grew red in the face. grabbing the closest object to me, i hurled it at Sehun, hitting him in the chest. The pillow fell to the floor and Sehun and Luhan burst out in laughter.

"Shut up!" I roared, my ears turning red. Baekhyun giggled and climbed off me. I lunged off the couch and made a grab for Sehun, only to be held back by Baekhyun.

Silent Tears (Baekyeol/Chanbaek)Where stories live. Discover now