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Joey_bigmac The coolest shit heads you'll ever meet in the world

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The coolest shit heads you'll ever meet in the world. @donniewahlberg, @jonathank @dannywoodpecker

Pic creds by: @jordan_knight


jordanknight: joey joe

joe.mac: yes señor knight

jordanknight: why am I not in that sexy ass pic you posted?

Jon.k: stop being a lil bitch Jordan

Dwood: it's not the damn Jordan Knight show

joe.mac: I gave you photo creds Jordan that is more than enough

jordanknight: you're all assholes

wahlburger.d: Jordan your sexy either way don't listen to the haterz

jordanknight: this is why Donnie is my favorite

joe.mac: guys
joe.mac: I need some girl advice

Dwood: oh no guys
Dwood: we gotta teach joe about the birds and the bees

jordanknight: joey
jordanknight: when two people love each other so very much..

joe.mac: shut the hell up Jordan I'm not talking about the birds and the bees

Dwood: just trying to help

jordanknight: ^^^^^^

joe.mac: there's this cute girl in my class
joe.mac: and i really wanna ask her out but idk
joe.mac: I don't think she likes me back

wahlburger.d: Awww our lil joey is whipped

jordanknight: why don't you just talk to her man

joe.mac: I have
joe.mac: and every time I do
joe.mac: the guy down there pops out of my pants


wahlburger.d: yup he's whipped
wahlburger.d: what does she look like


jordanknight: DAAAAMNN

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jordanknight: DAAAAMNN

Dwood: you beta tap that ass before I do

Jon.k: she's cute

wahlburger.d: Danny's hotter

Jon.k: the ship is sailing #woodburg

joe.mac: back off y'all she's mine

wahlburger.d: I have a idea
wahlburger.d: brb

wahlburger.d has added milas_bananas to the chat

milas: ummm..?

joe.mac: oh fuck


milas: um joey?

joe.mac: ....hi camila
joe.mac: my idiot friends added you to this chat im sorry

jordanknight: now Joseph don't be rude to our new female friend now
jordanknight: I'm Jordan ;)

Jon.k: why am I laughing so hard right now

milas: it's okay joe they all seem nice lol

wahlburger.d: ^love this girl already

joe.mac: I hate you guys SM
joe.mac: for the exception of camila :)

Dwood: hey camila do you by any chance have any friends that look like you?

joe.mac muted Dwood from this chat

jordanknight: well that wasn't very nice


I'm adding camz into this bc I adore her so much :)

Any hate for camila will be removed/blocked/reported .

Idc what y'all say although I was upset I still love and support her 💗

Plus idk I thought joey and camila will be a cute couple

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