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The plane ride home was silent as joey and camila sat next to each other,not even looking or saying anything.

Everyone could feel the tension as they both stepped and parted ways.

Jordan sighed deeply."They won't even make eye contact."

Donnie looked over to Danny,who was holding normani's hand.

"I haven't seen her this upset since her last breakup." Normani sighed.

"Let's go catch up with her." Selena said to mani,following her.

Joey and Jon came out with their luggages."Ready to go?" Joey asked looking at the ground,rolling his suitcase.

"Joe do you want to-"

"I don't want to talk about it.Alright?," joe snapped,not breaking contact at the ground.

All the guys looked at each other,followed back to Jonathan's car.


@jordanknight: who needs valentines when you have this sexy beast right here? Cancun was liitttttt @DonnieWahl

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@jordanknight: who needs valentines when you have this sexy beast right here? Cancun was liitttttt @DonnieWahl

510 likes•1,790 followers

@DonnieWahl: shout out to Danny for his awful ass camera quality :)

@JonathanRKnight: it was his revenge to Jordan for stealing his mans @donniewahl

@JordanKnight: @JonathanRKnight shut tf up you damn iceberg.you're the reason why it sank in the first place

@DannyWoodpecker: true on all accounts

@JonathanRKnight: fuck you all 😘

Messages between canolabear and JonnyKnight
(three days later)

JonnyKnight: camzi are you okay?

canola: I'm fine i guess

JonnyKnight: tell me the truth :(

canola: I feel like utter shit

JonnyKnight: want me to bring you pizza and peanut butter covered banana slices??

canola: nah not even those things can cure my stupidity for leaving the only person who actually truly loved me and didn't treat me like shit.

JonnyKnight: well damn

canola: I'm serious Jonathan.How can I be so stupid?

JonnyKnight: camila it was a mistake

canola: no it wasn't.i knew what I was doing.and I knew what I did was wrong.but I still went with it and it was towards someone who truly loved and protected me.

JonnyKnight: camila

JonnyKnight: joe loves you a lot.it may not seem like it now,but he does.if you tell him all these things you are telling me you would get so much resolved.even if it won't go back to the way it was,at least it goes back to where you guys were first.

canola: which was?

JonnyKnight: being friends.

canola: you're right.thanks Jon.i love you

JonnyKnight: I love you too camila

messages between wahlburger.d,Dwood,jordanknight and canolabear

canola: hey guys..

wahlburger.d: what's up mila

canola: y'all probably hate me now and probably want nothing to do with me but I really need to apologize to joey and I just don't know how.can you guys please help me out??

Dwood: camila why on earth would we hate you?

canola: bc your all Joey's best friends and I'm basically the girl who cheated on him.

jordanknight: nah fuck that

jordanknight: you're both our best friends.and if one of you guys needed help we'll help you.

wahlburger.d: Facts ^

canola: idk what's possessing me to ask you this but how can you guys still consider me a friend after everything I've done?

Dwood: because your our best friend and we know your not that "whore" everyone thinks you are.

wahlburger.d: your so much more than that mila,and if we need to beat Joey's ass for him to know that,we will.

canola: I love you guys sfm.😭💞

jordanknight: we love you too ❤️

jordanknight: meet us at Donnie's house in one hour!

canola: okay!!!

Dwood: I can't believe I'm saying this but Donnie

wahlburger.d: yes my beauty

Dwood: ......the adventures of Woodberg


Dwood: *facepalms* I'm never doing that again

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