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Joey successfully sneaked out of his hotel room as he tip toed past the chaperones rooms.

He went downstairs and gently knocked on camila's door.

Camila opened it carefully,and rubbed her eyes from it looking like she was sleeping.

"Babe what are you doing here?," she asked.

"We need to talk." Joey asked,whispering but maintaining the serious tone in his voice.

"Okay just give me a minute." She closed the door gently,trying her utter best not to wake up her roommate.

She threw on her slippers,and followed joey out to the lobby.

"What's wrong?," she asked.

"Have you been seeing Lauren?," he asked,still in a gentle voice.

She stammered."Why would you ask that?"

"Because of this." He pulled out his phone and showed her the conversation.

Camila buried her face in her palms."Okay yes I saw Lauren.But we didn't do anything I swear." Camila lied.

"Why wouldn't you tell me?"

"Because I knew you'll get mad."

"Why would I get mad if you guys didn't do anything?," joey furrowed his eyebrows at the brunette.

She sighed loudly."Fine,I lied.We kissed,and did other things."

Joeys heart dropped into his stomach."You did what?," his voice now getting louder.

"Joey please the chaperones will hea-"

"I don't give a damn if the whole hotel can hear us! You cheated on me with your ex,the one who bullied and harassed you for a year,the one who dragged me and my friends into your mess,the one who practically manipulated Jordan-"

"Okay one I never cheated and two I never asked you and the guys to get involved!," camila cut in.

"Well what were we supposed to do,sit down and let you cry?," joey answered back.

"Joey I admit,what she did was wrong,but I just don't feel the same way I felt four months ago!"

"What are you trying to say?," joey asked,hoping he won't hear the words.

"I don't-love you anymore." Camila stammered out."I think I went too fast,and I'm just still in love with Lauren and I need time to make a commitment."

Joey's eyes turned red from the tears he was holding back.His heart heated out of his chest.He lost all circulation of his body parts,and stood still like a statue.

Camila sighed."Joey say something."

"I thought you were in love with me." He now whispered.

Camila came closer,but joey step back."Don't touch me." He said.

"Joey please look at me-",camila tried but he kept walking further.

"I can't-I'm sorry.Just don't talk to me." Joey ran back.

"Joey!",camila called out.

"We're over!," he yelled back,walking up the escalators.

Camila sat down in one of the chairs and cried,realizing what she just done.


wahlburger.d: guys...

JonnyKnight: jomila is over ...

jordanknight: lmfaaoooo good one

JonnyKnight: we're serious...

wahlburger.d: joe won't stop crying :/

jordanknight: wtffff what

marky: wait so what I'm hearing is that...camilas single?

wahlburger.d: keep your dick in your pants mark this is serious

Dwood: damn you miss a lot when you take two naps in a day

JonnyKnight: guys what are we gonna do??

wahlburger.d: nothing.just by hearing their name they start to fucking weep.its pointless

jordanknight: there has to be something.camila is our friend too

Dwood: well she did cheat and Joey is the one who called it off.what are we gonna fix?

JonnyKnight: well they started out as friends so let's help them end this like friends.

wahlburger.d: what you tryna say Jonny

marky: why don't you put them in a room and not let them leave until they solve it.

jordanknight: that's actually a good idea

wahlburger.d: so now you wanna act all smart but you have a 2.1 gpa?


Dwood: it's 2017 who tf studies anymore

marky: I'm smarter than you think Donnie

wahlburger.d: you have the attention span of  dory

Dwood: we need Jesus

allybrooke: did someone say Jesus?

jordanknight: who the fuck are you?

allybrooke: I'm ally aka allysus

marky: .....where the hell did you come from?

allybrooke: I'm everywhere bitch

Allysus left the chat

Dwood: there's never a dull moment in this chat I swear

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