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Selena buried her face in her palms as Jonathan looked at camila like she had four heads.

"You're in love with who?!," Jonathan asked for the fourth hundred time,just to make sure he heard her right.

"I'm still in love with Lauren." Camila's eyes watered up,as leaned her head against the head board.

"Mila when did this happen?," Selena asked,sitting beside her.

"You do realize this is the same Lauren who was harassing you for almost a year." Jonathan pointed out,with Selena agreeing.

Camila sighed."I obviously trust you two so please don't say this to anyone outside this room." Camila said.Both friends nodded and got closer to the brunette.

Camila sighed again,more shamely and loudly.

"Okay well before I begin.I went to see her before our flight Tuesday."

"What?",the two friends gasped.

"Oh shut up.Anyways,yes I went to see her.I don't know why I just wanted to see how she's doing because lately I felt like I was disconnecting from joey and I don't know I just wanted to see.So we met up,we talked,and then..."

"Camila please don't tell me what I think your gonna say." Selena closed her eyes while Jonathan rubbed his temples.

"...we kissed,and did...other stuff." Camila's eyes watered up a little bit.

"Mila how can you let this happen?," Jonathan asked.

"I don't know what's going on with me." Camila got up,as she continued to cry.

"I love joey.i really do.he's so amazing.He's sweet,funny,beautiful,but he's just-"

"-he's just not Lauren." Jonathan finished,understanding the confused little girl.

Camila nodded.

Selena got up and hugged her."Camila you need to tell joey."

Camila shook her head."No.I can't."

"Camila it's the right thing to do.If he saw his ex girlfriend behind your back you would want him to tell you right?," Jonathan pointed out.

"Okay but not now.At least when we leave from cancun Friday."

Selena and Jonathan nodded.Jon looked down at his watch."Bed checks are in ten.We should get going."

"Bye camz." They both said,giving camila a hug.

Camila closed the door,and leaned against it.

She looked at her phone and texted joey.

canola: babe?

Daddymac: yes princess

canola: I'm not feeling well.Can we do it another time?

Daddymac: yeah sure.are you okay? Want me to go and check up on you?

canola: I'm fine baby.i love you

Daddymac: okay I love you too.are you sure everything is alright?

canola: yes my love everything is fine.goodnight 🌹

Daddymac: 😘

Messages between wahlburger.d,Dwood,jordanknight, JonnyKnight and Marky mark.

Daddymac: guys camilas acting weird.

Dwood: yeah she's been really quiet lately

jordanknight: did something happen between you two?

Daddymac: no everything was fine before cancun.

Marky: dude I hate to tell you this but I think your gf is lesbo

wahlburger.d: she's bisexual you damn idiot

Marky: nah but I saw her at this hot chics house the other day.

Daddymac: who??



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jordanknight: WTF THATS LAUREN

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jordanknight: WTF THATS LAUREN

wahlburger.d: what the hell is mila doing with Lauren

Dwood: did she not remember about that iconic moment when we all roasted her

jordanknight: ^^^^^^^^^

jordanknight: I still have the screenshots

Daddymac: I gotta talk too camila

Daddymac left the chat

Dwood: Jon do you know anything about this?

wahlburger.d: wait a minute Jon weren't you and mila hanging out before ?


JonnyKnight: i gotta go wash my cat

JonnyKnight left the chat

jordanknight: God damn it

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