"Are we there yet?" I groaned. We had been walking sense early morning and it was already noon. My feet ached and I just wanted to collapse.
" Just come on, we are getting closer don't worry." She tried to reassure me but it wasn't working. "I promise." She looked back at me and smiled.
I continued to follow her and soon my legs went numb, I collapsed with a yowl.
"Sunny!!" Smudge gasped and ran to my side. "I'm so sorry I pushed you to keep going, I should have let you rest. I'm so sorry. Are you okay? Do you need me to go get my friend and leave you here to rest. I can go get hi.." I cut her off."No, no I'm fine I just need to sit down for a moment." I gasped for air. "Just stay here.
We sat for about five minutes and then slowly headed on our way. When we reached a very familiar looking clearing. I stopped and looked around, half expecting the starry cats to walk out of the bushes. Smudge was saying something to me but I wasn't paying attention because I saw something rustling in the bashes. I trotted over and as i got closer I saw glowing amber eyes like mine, and then they disappeared. I turned to look at Smudge but she was gone and I wad alone. "Smudge!" I called out for her but no response. A few minutes later she returned with her friend.
"Sunny, thus Redharron, he will help you with your dream." She I traduced her friend and I nodded a greeting his way. He padded up to me.
"Lovely to finally meet you, I have heard much about you." He said with a smile.
"Nice ti meet you too, I am here to ask you about a ..." He stopped me.
"A dream yes I know your friend Smudge here explained on the way. He nodded to me to continue.
"Yes, well my dream was about me walking through the forest with a younger cat who told me to hurry up,"
"yes, okay." He commented
" Then we came to this clearing that we are standing in at the moment and starry cats started walking out of the bushes, I questioned it at first but then thought nothing of it, I herd someone call my name and realized it was my human, and all the cats seemed to run away. That's pretty much where it ends." I gasped fir breath because I had wasted a lot of breath talking.
Redharron was staring at me and then brought me to the side of the clearing. "Was all of that true?" He asked in an urgent manner.
"Yes..." I replied uncertainly.
" Listen to me vet carefully, you need to come to my clan camp with me so we can talk more about this but for now go explain to Smudge that you will be living with the clan from here on out." He seemed very serious but I never imagined having to live in a clan. He am I supposed to live with cats I don't know, not to mention that I can't see my best friend. I just wanted to run away from this place and never return, not even in my dreams.
I dashed to what I thought was the way back to my home but I ended up somewhere totally different and soon Redharron was on my tail. "Stop," He yelled but I kept going until I came upon the entrance to the camp. I turned around and started back the other way at at a trot and soon came upon Redharron sitting down gasping for air. I sat down next to him and did the same because I too was out of breath.
After about three minutes of resting he walked me back to the entrance were a very confused stood staring.
" Who do we have here?" He asked grinning. He seemed nice enough and his fur was an adorable shade of light brown. He is so super cute. I thought to myself, I bet he has a beautiful mate much prettier than me. I shuck my head, why was I thinking like this, I am just here to figure out this whole dream thing.
But as soon as I looked up my amber eyes locked with his dark green ones. My heart pounded faster and faster, so fast that I thought it my fly out of my chest. He broke eye contact with me after giving me a slight smirk and looked somewhere behind me. I turned around to see Smudge walking down the slope toward us. "Who are these two lovely ladies you have brought to the camp?" He asked Redharron even though he was looking in my detection.
" This is Sunny she will be staying with us in the clan and this, is Smudge, my friend I told you about." The cat nodded." Sunny, Smudge, thus is our head guard Brownmouse.
" Lovely yo meet you two." He said briefly.
"Brownmouse would you be so kind and show Sunny around camp, I have to walk Smudge back to her garden." Redharron asked politely.
" Nope," My heart stopped forbade split second, did he not like me?" I have to stay and watch the camp entrance," He looked at me,"Nothing personal love." he looked back at Redharron.
" I can walk back myself Redharron, that way you can watch the camp and Brownmouse can show Sunny around." Smudge suggested.
As she turned and began trotting away I called after her" Bye Smudge, I'll see you around okay." She turned and nodded to me with a smile, but I could see the sorrow in her eyes as she left me behind to stay in the clan. It broke my heart to see her go but I knew this would potentially help with my dream.
I turned back to Brownmouse and he walked me into camp to show me around the camp.

The Luxury Life
FantasíaWhy should I leave my purrrfect home where I am comforted by blankets and pillows. I love it here but, I feel like something is ... Missing. But what could be missing, im living the luxury life.