"This is the nursery," Brownmouse explained as we came up to a large over grown shrub."you can poke your head in and say hi, they wont bite." He said.
I poked my head through the leaves and looked around,. The only cat in the den was a heavily pregnant female. She looked up at me looking very tired.
"Hello, to you stranger, my name is Lilyfoot, you dont look from around here."She said in her polite country voice.
"Oh, Im Sunny, i am going to be staying in the clan for a while." I explained.
"Come on Sunny," Brownmouse yelled from outside."We still have the rest of the camp to see"
"Bye" I said as I walked away.
********A few hours later********
"Thx for showing me around Brownmouse." I thanked him.
"Any time love" He said with a smile, he padded off to the warriors den and returned with a she cat."this is my sister Ottertail" He explained , introducing the she.
"Evening," She greeted me.
"Afternoon" I replied with a smile.
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey please gather beneath tall stone." The voice of their leader Stonestar boomed through camp and we hustled toward tall stone.
"Hurry up love," BrownMouse called over his shoulder to me.
"Coming" I said. As I padded up to him another cat stood in my way."Hello," He said with a sweet smile on his face." I'm Foxclaw, deputy of FireClan. You are completely by with me." He said and put his tail tip on my flank to lead me through the crowd."We will be sitting in front Sunny." He said.
"How do you know my name?" I asked without hesitation
"Everyone knows the name of the newbies who come to the clan. Oh, and by the way I love your fur." He said with a slight hint of love in his eyes but it was immediately replaced with sorrow and loss. I instantly felt bad for him, then I remembered Brownmouse. I wonder where he is sitting?I looked around and saw him by his sister, his eyes and mine met and he almost instantly spotted Foxclaw next to me and shook his head. I cocked my head to ask what was wrong but he had already turned around , the fur on his neck was pricked and he was clearly alert. He seems tense, I wonder what's up with him.The ceremony began and ended quickly but it was fun while it lasted. Maybe I will find love here, maybe this place wont be so bad after all.

The Luxury Life
FantasyWhy should I leave my purrrfect home where I am comforted by blankets and pillows. I love it here but, I feel like something is ... Missing. But what could be missing, im living the luxury life.