Cahpter 5

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"I cant believe I get to be an apprentice of FireClan!" I exclaimed happily to Foxclaw who sat next to me.
"Yah, I bet you will do great." he said, but his gaze was soon brought to somewhere behind me wich made me turn around.
"Hello, I'm Stonefoot. I will be teaching you everything you need to know about clan life." The Tom introduced himself to me. I gave a respectful nod knowing full well he already knew who I was. "tomorrow we will begin with showing you the territory and maybe some hunting." he said flicking an ear.
"okay well I have to go i want to talk to Lillyfoot." I said trying to get away from both tums.
"okay bye Sunny!" called Foxclaw. as I turned away I heard them start to bicker, I rolled my eyes. typical Tom's.

I poked my head into the nursery only to see Lillyfoot laying in an uncomfortable position panting heavily."Are you okay?" I asked wondering if I should get DappleLeaf the Mexican cat.
"I'm kitting go get Dappleleaf, hurry!" the said so quiet it was almost a whisper.I dashed out only to bump into Foxclaw. I got up and ran past a dazed Foxclaw who was very confused.

I burst into the Medicane den and called for Dappleleaf. She appeared from the back and trotted up to me. She opened her mouth to speak but I gave her no time and informed her of the situation at paw.
She rushed to Lillyfoot with me at her tail. I didnt know her very well but something told me I should be there.

As far as I knew her mate was gone so she had no one so I felt I should be there for her.

******2 hours later*******

"Three kits?" I confirmed.
"yes three kits all healthy girls." Dapple leaf said. she padded away to the medicine den.
"will you help me name them." A tired Lillyfoot asked.
"Of course" I replied. the one heavily pregnant queen was now a slim patch if white fur her three kits at her belly. One was ginger, one was white, and one was white and ginger, that made them easy to tell apart. "we could name the ginger one Poppykit." I suggested, she nodded in approval and licked the kits head.

"I want to name the white Bluzzardkit after my father, she looks just like him," she said with a smile." and perhaps Pumpkinkit fir thus one she stated licking the orange and white earning a protesting mew from the small kit. all the kits were healthy and happy along with their mother, I walked ti the fresh kill pile to grab some prey for Lillyfoot and I.

I grabbed a mouse fir me and plump vole for her so she can produce enough milk for her kits is they want die. After all they need to grow up healthy and strong so they can become warriors some day.

I smiled at the thought of kits, I always wanted some of my own. I never found a mate or anyone close to becoming one so maybe this visit would prove good for me.

After I gave the vole to Lillyfoot and ate with her I went to sleep in the nest I was given because tomorrow I had to train with whats-his-face. Foxclaw you idiot, Foxclaw. I thought ti myself as I drifted into sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2017 ⏰

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