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Sparrow rarely ever looked unkempt. He was a man of precision, grace and patience. So when Akita woke up that bright Saturday morning with hair strewn in every possible direction, to the sight of the blonde haired shinobi pacing in the living room, she was confused. Why was he pacing? He rarely ever paced.

It wasn't like she could say anything about it.

Instead she opted to open the pantry and stand on her tippy toes to reach the cereal box. Her short stature was an inconvenience most of the time. Her eyes followed Sparrow smoothly as he went from the couch to the door multiple times. The girl, once finished with her food, flung the spoon at his head.

Luckily, he wasn't so perturbed that he couldn't catch it. It wasn't anything too bad, Akita deduced. What's going on? Is there something on your mind Papa? She asked. The male raised a blonde brow, his oceanic hues focusing on her a moment before he shook his head.

"No, there's nothing on my mind. Don't worry about it Princess." He assured, mostly to himself. Akita sent him a knowing look. Sparrow threw his hands in the air defensively with a nervous chuckle. The ninja knew that once Akita was curious, she didn't rest until she was satisfied.

Sparrow's brow twitched when she pushed her bowl away gently and looked him straight in the eye. For some reason, the blonde felt like he should run. He wasn't going to do that, because he had some sense of pride. Who runs from a little girl? Definitely not the Hokage's ANBU captain.

He did feel guilty, though, for not telling her what was bothering him. The chair gently scraped against the polished wood floor as Akita stood up with an intention to get Sparrow to spill what he was keeping.

Just tell me, Akita said. I promise I won't do anything! Somehow, Sparrow didn't trust that. A tense silence ensued between them as the small girl prowled closer and the blonde shinobi tried his best to stay put. He couldn't give in, he couldn't give in!

The man's eyes widened a fraction when her lips tilted into a pout, her cheeks puffed, and her eyes widened in a pleading manner. Dammit, she knew how to get what she wanted. "Fine! I'll tell you." He conceded. The golden eyed girl retreated and proceeded to wait for him to continue. A heavy sigh deflated his lungs as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Truth is, an old friend of mine is coming to visit."

Akita blinked, that was anticlimactic.

That's all? It wasn't something important? she asked. The man clicked his tongue. "You don't know this guy like I do. He's my friend but..he can be a bit weird," he protested. Throughly uninterested, Akita made her way to the door and informed Sparrow that she was leaving. A look of disbelief crossed his features before he slumped onto the couch. Of course she didn't care anymore, that's just how Akita was. A silent chuckle passed his lips.

Then he realized that she probably went to go look for this 'friend.'


Akita had made it to the part of the forest that touched Konoha's Eastern wall when she registered a presence she was not familiar with. It could be an enemy or some passerby, she felt like taking her chances. If it was an enemy she'd have someone to test her skills on. Then she could tell Obito, who would then brag about it to Kakashi. It seemed like an entertaining idea.  She wanted to see the annoyed look on his face.

The young girl approached the source of chakra quietly, her hands stuffed in the fabric of her loose pants. The pupils of her eyes dilated until only a faint ring of gold was left of her iris. She could see better than most in the dark, but with what she had spotted, anyone would have been able to see him. There was a mop of brown hair hidden haphazardly under a pitch black hood. Akita raised a brow as she came close enough to tap him on the shoulder.

Usually, when someone is tapped on the shoulder and dressed like a ninja, they would attack right? Akita had to cover her ears because of the surprised yelp he let out. The six year old raised a brow in mild amusement, he had such a girly scream. Orange eyes met gold, mixing into a brilliant flame.

"Oh, it's just a kid."

Akita's brow twitched, yet the male made no mind of it. He gave her a once over before squatting down to her level with a lopsided grin. "So what brings you out here in the middle of the night? Aren't your parents worried?" He inquired. The girl shrugged a shoulder and began to sign at him, hoping that he somehow knew sign language.

Papa is used to me going out late. The brown haired male raised a brow in surprise. "You use sign language? Neat, because so do I!" He exclaimed with a proud puff of his chest. Akita couldn't help but crack a smile. You're weird, she began, are you Papa's friend?

The orange eyed man tilted his head, "Papa's friend? You mean Dai—I mean, Sparrow? You're his kid?" The surprise on his face amused her. It seemed that Sparrow wasn't one for children. The man looked her over again, "you look nothing like him. Are you adopted?"

Akita liked how blunt he was. Beating around the bush did nothing to get information. The girl nodded in response to his question, unbothered by how it might be insensitive. The man hummed, contemplating on whether he should bring her with him to Sparrow or show her something fun in the village.

Ultimately he decided the latter. What's the harm, right? It's not like Sparrow was looking for them.

"My name is Himura Hisashi, by the way. Remember it because I'm amazing. " He introduced with a gesture to his chest. Akita gave him her name as well, with a small smile that light up her eyes. Hisashi smiled back, admiring the odd features she possessed.

He didn't know how his friend came to be the father of such a unique child. Hisashi was definitely building up questions quietly as he strolled by her side. The leaves rustled in anticipation, awakening the nightlife that had begun to stir. Where did she come from? How did she get here? What was this uneasy feeling he got every time she looked at him? Hisashi knew he would have to limit his questions, or span them out so that he got the information he wanted.

Either way, Akita was definitely going to call him Uncle at some point—it was inevitable with his charms. "So," he began to catch her attention, "have you ever been to The Wyvern?"


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