Chapter 4: Ancient secrets

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Dorm room

"Alright, I'm running a worldwide search for everything related to sirenix..........but so far...nothing has appeared. That's quite rare" said Tecna.

"Sirenix must be truly ancient, I wonder what the powers are" said Flora.

"I'd say a sushi spell, who doesn't like sushi?" said Stella.

Soon Aisha's phone began ringing and so she answered it. The person calling was her mother, queen Niobe.

"Aisha......" said Niobe.

"Mom, what's wrong?" asked Aisha as she noticed her mother's facial expression.

".......Things are getting rather difficult here on Andros dear, your uncle king very angry....." said Niobe.


Within the underwater palace of Andros, king Neptune had just heard the news from the two selkies that were able to make it here.

"What do mean he escaped?! How could he have gotten away?!" yelled Neptune.

"We tried your majesty but Tritannus was just too strong and he has changed" said Phylla.

"He's a monster now, he even used his trident to change all of the guards into horrid monsters just like him" said Lemmy.

At the mention of this, king Neptune got up from his seat angrily.

"This is intolerable! I will find him wherever he is and I will break him!" declared Neptune.

"What?! Father please......" said Tressa.

"Think about what you're saying......" said Nereus.

"What I'm saying?! Look at what he's done to you, his very own brother!" shouted Neptune.

"I'm fine father, it will heal if given the time" said Nereus.

"Please Neptune, don't be rash! He is our son" said Ligea.

"....Tritannus is no longer my son!" said Neptune.

"Surely you can't mean that......I will find him, I'll talk to him" said Ligea.

"And I will come with you to protect you mother" said Nereus.

"......You are generous Ligea....and you have courage and a noble spirit Nereus. As I would expect from the one who will one day be king......both you and Tritannus have modeled yourselves after prince James and it is clear you've modeled yourself after his good side unlike your brother. But for all of your safeties, my answer is still no! Guards!" shouted Neptune.

With that, both Neptune and the guards soon left the palace and the rest could only watch.

Lake Roccaluce

As both James and Bloom approached the lake, they were discussing with each other about sirenix.

"I wonder what the powers are like" said Bloom.

"I can tell you what I know, for a allows you to enter a mystical place called the infinite ocean. That's.......where the mission took place...." said James.

"What is that place?" asked Bloom.

"Its a very special place where all of the world's oceans are connected and it also hides and contains important objects. Objects that are vital to the magic dimension's well being, if anything there is tampered with.....there will be unknown effects....even disastrous ones..." said James.

As they approached lake Roccaluce, James looked to the side.

"Its also a strange place where only fairies who have attained sirenix can enter, for you see that place is always forever open to anyone who holds that power....which suggests that there is a link between the two. As for how I got there, I...." said James.

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