19. Why?

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A week has passed since that fateful day, and in that time, Luke has become my constant companion. Everyday, without fail, he's there for me, driving me home and offering quiet companionship without asking for explanations. With only two weeks left until graduation and the day I leave for college looming closer, my thoughts are a tangled mess of emotions. I wonder if I'll ever find someone who truly cares for me—someone who will love me unconditionally, without breaking my heart in the process.

As Luke pulls up in front of my house, I feel a rush of gratitude for him. He doesn't press me with questions, doesn't pry into my personal turmoil. He's just... there.

"Thanks, Luke," I say, managing a small smile as I unbuckle my seatbelt. "See you on Monday."

"Anytime," he replies, giving me a reassuring nod before driving off into the fading light of the evening. As I watch his car disappear around the corner, I feel a bittersweet sense of comfort. He's been my rock, but I know he wants more than friendship, and that thought sits uncomfortably in the back of my mind.

Unlocking the front door, I step inside, expecting the quiet emptiness of my house, but instead, I'm immediately greeted by the sight of someone I never wanted to see again.


He stands in the middle of the hallway, his presence filling the space in a way that makes my heart race and sink all at once. His eyes, once so bright and full of life, now seem hollow, dulled with remorse and exhaustion, as if he hasn't slept in days. His clothes are wrinkled, and his hair is disheveled, adding to the image of a man who looks like he's been through a storm and barely survived.

"Jai," he whispers, his voice fragile, as if it might shatter under the weight of his regret.

I freeze, my heart lurching painfully in my chest. Seeing him again brings back everything—all the pain, the betrayal, the tears. "What are you doing here?" I ask, my voice trembling as I fight to keep control. "I told you to leave me alone."

Elio steps toward me, his desperation almost palpable. He looks like he's on the verge of breaking, and for a moment, I hate that a part of me still wants to reach out to him. "Please, Jaidyn. I was a fool," he pleads, his voice thick with emotion. "I can't eat, I can't sleep... I miss you so much it's tearing me apart."

My breath catches in my throat as the familiar ache in my chest returns with full force. Tears blur my vision, and I feel the walls I've tried so hard to build over the past week begin to crumble. "You hurt me, Elio," I say, my voice barely above a whisper, the words pouring out like a flood I can't control. "You broke my heart. I've cried myself to sleep every night because of you. You didn't care about me at all, and all I ever did was give you everything I had."

He reaches out to touch me, but I step back, shaking my head. The tears are falling freely now, and I no longer have the strength to stop them. "Elio, I gave you my innocence," I confess, my voice shaking with the weight of the truth I had kept hidden for so long. "I didn't tell you because I thought you wouldn't want me. I gave you my love, my trust... and you destroyed it when I saw you with her."

His face goes pale, and for the first time, I see genuine shock and regret in his eyes. "You... gave me your innocence?" His voice falters, as if the revelation is too much for him to process. "You mean... your virginity?"

I nod, choking on my sobs. "Yes. I gave you something that meant everything to me, and you didn't even care." My voice wavers, breaking under the weight of my heartbreak. "You betrayed me, Elio. You shattered me."

Elio's eyes widen, and his expression crumples as the full impact of my words sinks in. He runs a hand through his hair, looking lost, devastated. "But... you were on the pill, and you didn't... you didn't bleed that day. I thought..." His voice trails off, confusion and guilt etched across his face.

"It was for medication," I tell him, my tone cold and distant. "But that doesn't matter anymore. You broke me, Elio. You took something from me that I can never get back."

Unable to stand anymore, I slide down against the wall, the weight of everything crashing down on me. I feel drained, exhausted—like I've been carrying this burden for far too long. "I just need to know... why?" I whisper, barely able to look at him.

Elio crouches down in front of me, his eyes searching mine for something—redemption, forgiveness, understanding. "I needed you, Jai," he says quietly, his voice thick with regret. "Seeing you with that guy... with Luke... it drove me insane. I thought I was losing you, and I didn't know how to handle it. So I... I reached out to someone from my past. I thought she could fill the void, but it was a mistake. She didn't mean anything to me. She couldn't make me feel the way you do. It was empty, Jai. She wasn't you."

His words hang heavy in the air, their truth undeniable. He looks at me, and for the first time, I see the depth of his remorse, the desperation in his eyes that tells me he's truly sorry. "I realize now that I can't be with anyone but you," he continues, his voice trembling. "You've left your mark on me, Jaidyn. You've claimed my heart, and no one else can ever replace you."

With shaking hands, he reaches out and gently cradles my face, wiping away my tears. His touch is tender, soft, and for a brief moment, I feel a flicker of the connection we once had. "I love you, Jaidyn Fuller," he says, his voice full of raw emotion. "You've found your way into my heart like no one else ever has, and I'm begging you to forgive me. To give me another chance."

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