hey, due to the fact i am hyper on easter eggs, i have decided it is a good idea to post this so i apologise in advance for it's crapness and shortness. I will return once i have calmed down and been peeled off the ceiling :L
Dear Self,
Please remember for future reference that “Holy crap you’re adorable!!!” is not the appropriate response to everything Aelfbrick says.
Sincerely, the rational side of your brain that counted you saying that exact phrase at least 20 times in the last half an hour…
So, I’m going to give you the short version of what happened otherwise I will write a whole five hundred pages of “he said then I said and I was like and he did this and it was like totally etc” and you’ll get bored and I’ll get lonely and buy another cat. In case you couldn’t tell by the way I’m babbling on like Bella does about Edward but with more emotion (ha, I know I spend too much time on the internet) I am pretty happy and hyper and excitable, I know, it’s like having a puppy that can talk, but hopefully I won’t grow up to be smelly and make the house my own litter tray...
Anyway, as I am unfit to convey to you the exact and serious details I am just going to have to paraphrase:
SCENE: in my living room both AELFBRICK and ME are curled up on one armchair as cats have invaded the living room and are giving ME evils. AELFBRICK and ME are talking about stuff that leads up to this moment.
AELFBRICK: Kayleigh, I think I’m growing to love you.
ME: OMG ME TOO!!!! Ermm you I mean, I think I love you too, but I thought you had ermm like a girlfriend or a consort or something.
AELFBRICK is not given a chance to reply as I do a victory lap around the room dance on the coffee table and perform a perfect cartwheel and a backflip whilst singing. Sir Kitty Kat von Silly Willy jumps on my face because he’s still outraged about his name and hates it when I’m happy but loves me when I’m wearing black and am about to go out. Eventually I fall over and scatter the potpourri that looks like cereal all over the floor.
Ok, I made that last bit up but yeah, it could have happened. It is me after all.
Still a better love story than twilight though. (actually, I’m pretty indifferent but I do love internet humour)
Yes, I need to go out more but back to my original point: BEGORRAH AND BEJESUS HE LOVES ME!!! Excuse me while I pass out with happiness.
So, yeah add that to all the “Holy crap you’re adorable!!!”’s and you have my day summed up!
Okay, now, breathe. In. Out. In. Out.
You can do this with me if you want but you may not be so close to bouncing off the walls to me. It’s like I’ve eaten a tonne of skittles mixed with red bull again.
In other news, my parents still haven’t come back yet but I don’t have anything to complain about, I still have Ben & Jerry’s and cats and Aelfbrick. WHO LOVES ME!! I know you’re probably fed up with this by now but I feel like wanting to hug someone or something really tight, like after you’ve just watched the cutest video full of puppies and bunnies and kittens and baby chicks and everything else that is fluffy and cute and huggable.
This is probably getting sickening. In fact I’m certain I will look back and tell myself I should have boiled my head that day as I was unbearable. But I don’t care. He, Aelfbrick, Prince of his own elfy little land loves me, Kayleigh, crazy cat lady.
Somebody cynical come along and tell me Narnia doesn’t actually exist.
Omg. Mood. Killed.
Sorry to disappoint. Even the idea that I may not be able to meet Aslan can't break me. Get your shades out guys, I’m a blinding ray of sunshine. Unbearably so.