Gerudo Forest Chapter 20

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It took a few hard days ride to make it halfway there. They had been sleeping under the stars but they finally reached a village. It was big and looked to have a lot of wealthy people living there. They didn't think they would be able to afford to stay at any of the hotels there but Melissa wanted a bath so much. She was used to taking one every day before getting to this world.  

Ganon didn't see why it bothered her so much. He of course was used to traveling without having to stop. Rinsing off in the lake they found along the way hadn't really helped much. She eventually convinced him that they could use some of the pieces from the outfit she ruined to get a room.  

" That's what I get for taking a woman with me." He joked with her.  

He seemed in good spirits lately. Cracking jokes and telling her stories of when he was younger. He hadn't had it easy at all. Melissa found herself feeling sorry for his lack of a childhood. 

They got a room at the cheapest place they could find once again pretending to be on honeymoon. To their amazement it actually got them a discount. Apparently this city was a popular place for couples who were just married and was renound for being the city of Love. Even though this hotel was cheep the room was very nice. 

Melissa decided once she got done with her bath she would change her outfit. She dug through the bag looking for one that wouldn't attract too much attention. Melissa had been wearing a red one but the dirt had made it look a rusty brown color. The one she held was that beautiful shade of green her first outfit had been. The back of it was open. Perfect if she wanted to use her wings she thought. It was actually very plain. Why hadn't she seen this one before she thought. The only fancy thing about this one was the red sash that tied around the middle. The sash looked to be silk and embroidered with red beads and gold thread. Charms in the shape of golden triangles dangled from the ends. It looked very nomadic she thought.  

Ganon had went to see about putting Trinexx up for the night so she decided now was the best time to get a bath. She hoped he would be gone long enough for her to finish. She soaked in the tub enjoying the hot water. It soothed her aching muscles. She wasn't used to riding so it hurt to do so for the long periods. 

The day was still early so maybe they could see what the city was like before they moved on tomorrow. She had plenty of time to dry off and get dressed before Ganon got back. She pulled her hair back into a pony tail while letting her bangs fall around her face. She stood in front of the mirror. Even though she had just spent a week or so in the desert she was still pale. Her genetics just wouldn't allow her to tan at all. She was more surprised though that the sun hadn't burnt her to a crisp. She sighed turning this way and that before sitting down to wait for Ganon.  

He returned shortly after. He smiled when he saw that she was wearing one of the outfits and hadn't torn it up for once.  

"So would you like to explore the town?" he asked like he had read her mind.  

She was excited to do something relaxing for a change and they walked the streets. The buildings were so grand. There was gardens and fountains everywhere. Couples were walking hand in hand everywhere. She blushed when Ganon took her hand in his as they walked. They stopped for a while by a particularly large fountain. It had a statue of a fairy on the top. Water pored from it's eyes. Couples were tossing rupees in and Melissa guessed it was either for good luck or wishing. Ganon smiled at her as he threw a rupee in.  

This was nice. Just pretending nothing was wrong or that she wasn't really walking around with the Dark King of the Gerudo. Would this be considered a date? She didn't want to think about it. It would only make her feel guilty again. She pushed it to the back of her mind as they entered the market next. 

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