Chapter 33

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On the inside of the temple she had wondered if it was going to be dark but the walls were covered in a sort of phosphorescent underwater plant life. The brightest of the plants reminded he of underwater mushrooms. The light they gave of faded in between a bright blue to coral. Also little fish that reminded her of betas were attracted to the lights but darted around them as they moved through the tunnel. Even the fish themselves had a glow to them. 

Exiting the main entrance tunnel they entered a cylindrical chamber that seemed to go up at least three stories. A tower like structure ran up the middle. There seemed to be a barrier of visible water flow blocking it's entrance. Melissa saw a few of the biri jellyfish things floating around but they didn't seem to notice them. Rutulla motioned to a door to the right and they all followed her to it.  

Touching it an electric current ran from the zora's hand to the door. It slid open letting them through to the next room which had an entire floor covered in dexihands. The seaweed looking hands reached for them as they swam above. These creatures were another one of those creepy Zelda monsters Melissa had forgotten about.  

Looking around Melissa saw that there were two iron gates blocking doorways on either side of the room. In the middle of the room was a platform with a switch just high enough up that hopefully the seaweed like hands couldn't grab anyone if they landed there.  

"In each door there is a lever that drains the water from the main room. I will have to stay and power the switch while you get the levers. I can only power the switch for so long before I will need to recharge so you will have to split up and be quick." Rutulla ordered in her ethereal underwater voice. 

Heather grabbed a hold of Links arm making a point of not being separated from him so Melissa figured she was going to have to go to the next room alone. It didn't seem fair but she would just have to deal with it.  

Melissa approached the opposite gate and peaked down the hall through the bars. She didn't see anything that looked dangerous so maybe this would be a quick in and out.  

Rutulla swam to the middle platform and activated the switch with a shocking pulse of energy. The gates rattled open with a piercing screech of metal against metal and Melissa watched Link and Heather go through their door before forcing herself to do the same.  

A couple dexihands were attached to the wall but were easy enough to swim around. The hall opened up into a small room covered in a glowing moss. Holes dotted the wall and she wondered what had made them. On the back wall she spotted a rusted lever. She tried to pull it down but it didn't want to budge.  

"Hurry!" She heard Rutulla calling from the other room.  

In a panic she pulled again trying as hard as a she could to make it move. It shifted only a fraction but would not move anymore. Of course she would end up with the difficult switch. She kept at it till she felt something tap her shoulder. Freaking out thinking it was one of the creepy hands she turned to see Link. He motioned for her to swim aside as he opened a pouch that was attached to his belt and magically pulled out a humongous hammer. There was no way that thing could have fit in there. It was physically impossible. Then again it would make sense for him to have a magic pouch. How else had he carted around all those items in the game. 

She moved out of the way allowing Link to bring the hammer down on the lever. It gave under the blow and a clicking sound reverberated from deep in the walls. Without warning skeletal looking fish with piranha like jaws erupted from the holes in the wall and began to swarm around them. Melissa didn't have to wait for instruction from Link to know to take off.  

In her rush to leave a dexihand grabbed her wrist. She pulled frantically away making the monster tighten it's grip cutting into her skin. If she could have screamed she would have. Link was there in a flash and sliced right through causing it to release her. The blood was starting to attract the fish so Link grabbed her arm and pulled her back to the other room.  

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