Gerudo Forest Chapter 23

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That night she dreamed of Jimmy. He gave her a sad look and Melissa tried to explain what was going on but before she could she had become the dragon. Jimmy's expression had changed from sadness to fear. She tried to find a connection between them to tell him not to worry. That she loved and missed him. That she was still fighting to come back to him but there was no connection between them for them to communicate. Instead she heard Ganon's voice.  

"What's going on?" She heard him say before appearing in her dream. He stood there unsure of what was happening, but then he noticed jimmy. "Is this him?" He asked turning to look at her.  

"How are you in my dream?" She asked. 

"I think you may have brought me here." He said laughing as he began walking around Jimmy who didn't seem to notice him. " He looks scared of you." He remarked. "Are you worried of what he will think of you now?" 

" Why would I be worried?" Melissa said wanting him out of her head. Her dreams should be private.  

" Dreams reveal what are bothering us most." He said giving her a look.  

"Just get out of my head!" she shouted at him before cutting the connection. 

She didn't remember anymore of her dream after that. She woke feeling guilty for having yelled at him and still wasn't sure if he had actually been in her dream at all. He was already up when she woke and was packing up their stuff.  

"Morning." she said grumpily. "Were you really in my head last night or was that just a part of my dream?" she asked when he didn't respond. " I'm sorry but I just don't like the idea of someone walking around my head." she said worried he was mad.  

He sighed. "You shouldn't take your lack of control out on me." but that was all he said.  

He stayed silent the the whole way to Death Mountain and they arrived sometime around mid day. Ganondorf had to of course change again before getting closer and his clothes smelled much better after the wash she had given them the night before.  

The sky was dark due to the cloud above the volcano. Ash was falling and a rumbling could be heard now and again. As they neared the gate she saw two gorons guarding the entrance. They looked exactly like the game had depicted. Kind of like a yellow sumo wrestler with rock like growths protruding from their backs. As they neared the two guards blocked the way.  

"Halt!" said the smaller one.  

"No visitors are allowed in due to the recent volcanic activity. It is unsafe for humans." said the big one.  

Melissa knew that Link was probably in good standing with the gorons and figured a little name dropping wouldn't hurt. Melissa dismounted and bowed to both.  

" Greetings. My name is Melissa. We were sent here by the a man named Link to check up on his findings of why the volcano has become active again."  

"You know Link?" The big one said impressed. "Well then that's a different story." The big Goron relaxed a little.  

"You are welcome here. Any friend of Links is a friend of ours." said the small one eying Ganon. 

"Do you mind if I ask if anything has changed since Link last visited?" She was hoping they could learn at least something to make this trip worth it.  

"Nothing has changed much but the chief might know a little more. Beware though if you go to visit. He has been in a bad mood." The big one offered.  

" Thank you for your help. Where might he be located?" Melissa asked hoping they would catch the Chief in a good mood.  

"I can schedule a meeting for you." The little one said.  

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