Chapter Five

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I blushed when know that he saw me stared at Hoseok.

"Mind your own business, i dont get it why u dont like it" I rolled my eyes and hold my nose.

"I dont like when u stare at other guy like that. You said you like me and even stalk on me" He curved his lips.

"What-- I didn't say that i like you!" My eyes widened.

Just how confident this boy can be?!

"Then why did you write about me"


Dont let him know or the deal is over.

"That's right, i like you" I stated bravely.

He blushed and looked away as he cleared his throat.

"W-what?" I asked him.

"I just hoped that someone will love me and you confessed. That's unexpected" He exhaled and smiled.

Dad, Mr Jeon, Hoseok, God, Jungkook, Myself, IM SORRY. I need to, or else everything will be a disaster.

"I hope you are sincere about your feelings toward me because i dont know why. Somehow i fell for you too, noona" He coughed a bit and looked away awkwardly.

Did he just let out a confession?!
I feel disturbed right now because i just lied to him. What should i do, what should i do. Please god help me.

"Im sorry about this" he brushed my nose with a thumb and hold my hand.
"W-where are we going?" I asked awkwardly. I need to act for real. I can't let him know my true intention. I just need to act and that's all, just for six months.

"It's late, your dad must be worry. Let's go home"

We both walked out from the book sections to see Hoseok wasn't there anymore. We went to the table because i need to pack my stationary and books.

There was a sticky note, on the cover book. I took it and read.

Got to go! I asked Sei if i can walk her home and she said yes!

It feels like i want to cry, because it's too hurt. But i quickly came to my sense and shook my head slightly, because Jungkook was watching.

I dont have any idea how he could fell for me. Among the fangirls he has, why me?

He walked me home, and smiled like it's the happiest moment in his life. It makes me feel guilty. I should end this before someone breaks their heart.

"Jungkook, actually i--"

"Tomorrow is Saturday, are u free?" He asked at the same time. "Oh im sorry, what do u want to say?"

He looks very different. Jungkook who i used to know always be rude to me but why is he being like this to ne now? Just because we both confessed and became a couple?


My confession, is a lie.

"Nothing and no, i have two part time jobs on saturday" i shook my head and tried my hard to smile.

"Sunday?" he asked.

"Im free"

"I want to bring you to my house since my parents wont be home for the whole week starting tomorrow" He smiled.

"F-for what?"

"Just to hang out" he shrugged and we stopped when we reached my house.

"How did u know my house is here?" I asked.

"I know everything about you" He chuckled. "But dont get me the wrong way"

When heard him saying that, it makes me nervous and afraid. What if he knows about the deal? At some point, i hope he knows about it right now, so i wont play with his heart.

But for my dad's sake.

I must do it.


It's Sunday and Jungkook came to pick me in front of my house.

"Who is that?" Dad asked while peeking to the outside.

"M-my boyfriend" I lied once again.

"He seems to be in a rich family. He must be happy" Dad smiled.

We heard a doorbell, i quickly opened the door and found Jungkook at the main door.

Dad saw him and invited him inside.

They were talking for a moment while i was sitting next to Jungkook, in case he's awkward as his first time meeting dad.

It almost 1p.m, and it has been an hour. They were having fun in talking. I was restless, i cant stay still. My eyes were looking at dad, hoping that he will see me and stopped talking. But he didn't realised me doing that.

I put a hand on Jungkook's thigh, which make him startled a bit and looked at me. Because of that, Dad was looking at me too.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked.

"Oh right, we talk too long" Dad stood up and laughed after he saw the time.


In the car, Jungkook sat next to me with a smile appeared on his face while the driver brought us to his house.

Once we reached, the driver opened the door for both of us and we got outside. I was in awe when i saw the big house, more to a mansion.

"Let's go" he hold my hand and brought me inside, there's butlers and maids. They were charming and polite.

"Please bring us something to eat and drink" he told the butler and we walked to a room. I thought it's a normal size of room, but clearly i was wrong.

It's a private cinema, it may be a bit smaller than the cinema out there but it still big for me and comfortable.

"It's cold" i said once we entered.

"I always prepare everything for you" he smiled and put a blanket around me.

Dont be too nice.

Just dont.

Im afraid that his kind heart will be broken soon.

I thanked him and forced a smile then both of us sat down on a couple seat. I can't see the difference of him and someone older than me. Because even he is younger, he still knows how to be a gentleman.

we watched a thriller movie, which kept me entertaining.

"Look, i will be like the hero and save u no matter what" He chuckled while eating the caramel popcorn his house's staff made without looking at me.


Im the guilty one, i need to stop this.

He.. is really into this relationship. He is serious.

While i, lied about my feelings because want to save dad's company.

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