Chapter 4

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"Hey!" Chloe screamed as creamed salmon, hit her cheek. Instead of wiping it away, he waited for it to fall off while glaring at Zach.

There was food everywhere in the dining room.

Okay so this seems a little confusing. It started after the awkward moment in the doorway.

I tried to keep a big, I mean at least 5 meters, distance from Adrian and his 'friend', Zach. Aside from his popularity, Zach is known for being an annoying person in CHA. Don't let his innocent and cute look fool you. In gist, he's crazy.

I knew that they'd get along easily because they are both childish then when you know them better, just like how Adrian is all quiet at first then bam! He goes all childish and blackmail people to say stupid things.

I was thinking of so much things that I didn't realize that I reached the staircase and I fell on the first step. "Woah! Holy Bananas! I screamed. So much for Miss Perfect Little Me.

"Hahahahaha!" I suddenly heard laughter and I didn't even have to guess who it was cause it's obviously Adrian.

I stood up, dusted out my dress and turned back to be faced by Adrian clasping his chest in laughter and a tomato-red Zach who was trying to keep in his laughter but failing.

Chloe, being the good friend she is, ran to me and asked if I was okay. I nodded and glared at both of them. I tried to sashay but I wobbled a little and that caused a little snickering from the two guys.

You see, I'm not really popular for being all perfect, I'm popular cause I befriend everyone. There are still other students who are popular for their looks but I'm not really fond of them.

I held Chloe's wrist and pulled her with me to the kitchen where my mom is. She was so entranced in giving her house tour that she didn't even hear the sound when I fell and usually she hears things pretty well.

Ding dong. Knock knock knock.

There was only one person who actually uses that way of ringing our doorbell and knocking on our door, that's Bridgette.

While I waited for Amara to open the door, I immediately questioned why she was here. Then it snapped, she probably knew that Zach, her bro would be here and she wanted to tag along. Typical Bri, the one who wants to know everything.

"Hey guys! Hey Mrs. Taylor and um Adrian's mom!" She said cheerfully while making her way towards me and Chloe.

I've always loved her British accent. I even tried to practice it once in front of the mirror and recorded it but I kinda sounded like a drunkard.

"Bri! What are you doing here?! Zach asked with a face that looked like he was going to puke cause of her presence.

Bri smiled, showing her dimples and answered "I heard that you were coming here and I wanted to tag along as well besides, Courtney and Chloe both love me."

I just laughed at that and Zach muttered "Annoying sister problems."

Zach and Bri are fraternal twins. They have different taste in almost everything. They always fight with each other. Almost all I see them do together is fight. I feel so sorry for their mom, Mrs. Belrose. Their father died when they were babies but they never actually knew why. It didn't affect them much though because they never actually met him.

"Courtney, kids! It's dinner time!" My mom called out from the dining room.

'Dinner' was apparently the magic word of the night and in one snap, everyone ran to the dining room. My mom's personal chef is an excellent cook. He makes the best steak in the whole world.

When we reached the dining room, I realized that there were only four seats.

"Mom, Why are there only four seats?" I asked as I pointed at the seats.

"Oh yes, the adults are eating in the living room so you guys can bond with each other and just get another seat for Bridgette."

My mom really thinks that I can bond with Adrian. That's basically the only thing I heard from whatever she said. I mean I don't even know how his parents can live with him. His oh so beautiful and innocent looking eyes actually hold fire that the devil put in.

Wait what? Beautiful? Oh hell no.

I sat down between Zach and Bridgette to cause less arguments between the twins. Little did I know that they wouldn't be the ones starting a fight.

At first we were eating peacefully and minding our own business cause no one wanted to fight especially with adults around.

Then someone *coughs* Adrian *coughs* couldn't hold being nice for just one dinner and smirked. He decides to be childish and throws a pea from the buttered vegetables on my face.

Trying to act like the more mature one, I didn't mind it. He threw another one and another one and another one. At this point, Zach starts snickering.

He just kept on throwing them and sad to say, his aim is hella good. I just waited for him to finish all the peas on his plate. While doing this, I mentally kept on saying, 'keep your cool and don't let this Bonobo let you lose it.'

After his plate finally ran out of peas and I was relieved.

Then he became even wittier and decided to use corn and again and when it ran out, he used the carrots.

That was the last straw.

I flung a whole steak at his oh so perfect face. It hit his face alright and although I was expecting an annoyed ace, all I saw was mischief in his eyes.

He then started throwing mashed potato in my perfectly white dress. Zach, obviously, just had to shout "FOOD FIIIIIIGGHT!!!!"

He started too by throwing salmon on Chloe. "Hey!" Chloe screamed as creamed salmon, hit her cheek. Instead of wiping it away, he waited for it to fall off while glaring at Zach.

There was food everywhere in the dining room. I expected my mom to barge in and go crazy mom at me again but who I saw at the doorway almost made me faint.

"Courtney! Is this any way to greet your sister?" I turned my head only to see my sister, Camille, staring wide eyed at the food fight.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2017 ⏰

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