Age can sometimes complicate things! Ch.6

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HeHe sorry it took me so long to post it i lost my computor rights due to the F and D that were on there

Sabrina's POV+

What in the hell am I doing crying over a song. But it wasn't just any song it was Todd's, and right now I want to know where he heard it. They even stole the name of the band but they will never be as good as the original unknowns. Then after they play for another few minutes Trevor comes running out of the club with his friends hiding behind the corner to watch what happened. "What's the matter Sabrina? Why are you crying, what did I do?" What did he do how does he get to ask that, he is a thief and a ass. But why is it that I still feel for him. "Where in the hell did you hear that song? And don't f**kin lie to me and say you wrote it." He looed shocked at my reaction, I would be to he only knew me as the shy, quiet, and calm Sabrina. He has never seen me angry and that is something very few can say. "I heard it from my cousin he used to be in the band and said they had no use for the name or their songs so he gave them to us. Why?" Haha I will find out who gave him those songs and kill them. "Oh never mind it was just so..... Ya so tonight was....interesting. We should do this again soon but maybe something that doesn't envolve being watched at by your friends, who are not fooling anyone hiding behind the corner."

4Months later++

I had sent Kevin (the bartender) with Logan to go see Lilyanna. Xavier and Zach had already been sent away to over see the building of our new house. I for some reason still followed through on my agreement with Zach. Me and Trevor were still dating, and I have noticed recently I have been getting to attached to him. I cant let that happen he will not be another Todd. Even after these four months I still havnt figured out who gave him the songs but I knew for sure that I would live up to the rep of Angelica Jamison. I thought it was funny how no one knew my real name not even Logan. My friends didn't even know that I was THE Angelica, it's a wonder they have never asked but I knew if I were to ever tell them I would lose them.

"Sabrina we have been going out for 4 months and think it's time you meet my cousin, he has been taking care of me for the past three years." I really shouldn't I have been trying to separate us but when he oulls that face. "Ya sure, when exactly will that be because I have to go to Virginia soon." "Oh well I was thinking tomorrow night for dinner we could go out to a he's less likely to get mad." again trying to whisper so I cant hear them what's with people doing that. "Why would he get mad, does he not aprove of you dating me or has he already picked someone out for you?" "There you go again sometimes I wonder if you were born 1600's. Oh I tell you later but I have to go right now." What in the world he cant tell me something like that and then just run off like that. This meeting is making me feel uneasy but I guess I will have to go, and this is a chance to find out who gave away Todd's work.

Trevor's POV++

I can't wait for her to meet my cousin. Although she looks a lot like Elizabeth so I don't know how he will react. Well I guess the first step is telling him, he will have to like her right because I mean I love her. Tonight is going to be big not only is she meeting my family, but I am going to tell her I love her and hopefully here it back.

Mystery person's POV++

As I sit on the sofa watching home video's of my friends from 3 years ago. Which Elizabeth is in none of, I should have noticed back then the way she avoided leaving off she ever existed except for memories that she was going to leave me. Then I hear Trevor walk in and cough to get my attention. "What is it Trevor?" He stayed quiet for a few seconds looking really nervous. "Well cuz tomorrow night we are going to meet my girlfriend Sabrina and I thought I just might warn you she looks like Elizabeth. I love her so please don't freak her out with all your Elizabeth talk. Oh she seemed really interested in your band so maybe we should talk about that, she especially like that song 'My Black Haired Fallen Angel' she has been humming it for the past few months." Everyone likes that song. "What ever Trev I will meet your love but I will not put on an act.

Sabrina's POV++

I had called Lilyanna earlier to see what I should wear she was more into fashion. We talked about how Kevin was doing and about what we have both been up to, but she was acting weird when she said goodbye she told me to always remember that she loved me with all her heart and then hung up. I got ready not really thinking about it she was always a weird one. Then I heard a car pull up so I gulped own 3 bottles of blood realizing just them I hadn't hunted in a while. *knock, knock*

Outside of Olive Garden

I could smell them this restaurant was infested with vampires and there was a slight smell I couldn't place. "Sabrina we are in both 5 I have to go use the restroom so I will be there in a few minutes because of the lines you know." "Ok I will meet you there." As I step into the restaurant and Trevor leaves I go over to the table where all the vampires are sitting. "Hello missy what's your name, but if you came over here to steal one of these humans from us it's not going to happen." "Do not address me like that young one I just came to warn you that the two humans I am with are off limits." "Ha I am 200 years old girly what are you 50. I will take who ever I want." "First off I am 500 years old, second my name is not girly it's Angelica Jamison and by the look on your faces I can see you have heard of me and that I don't take well to rudeness. I will not kill you this time if you and all of your coven get out of here NOW!!!!" The next thing I know they are all gone and now I can finally find out what that smell reminds me of


"Why won't you change me, do you not want to spend forever together?" "Don't you even think that, sweetie this is not a life I would want for anyone, I really wish someone was there to stop Samuel from changing me. You say you want to be like me so we can always be together but can you really sit by and watch your loved ones die off, and not think yourself a monster when you make your first kill. Honestly hun your to nice and innocent." "If you can do it Sabrina so can I your just as kind as me and you have turned people before. Why am I any different?" Why is he any different does he really have to ask that. I love him. " You want to know where I go every night after I visit you, I go out to hunt and during that time I kill. It came easy to me at first because of my past. I watch almost all my family get murdered only to find out it was because of refusing to marry Samuel. Do you know how it feels to have to rely on the man that murdered your family. You know when I first got changed I killed 3 towns worth of people ya I became a legend for my bloodthirsty cold-heartedness. Can you honestly think once you become like this and see my true nature you would not wish for your old life back." It hurt to do this, to hurt him and distance myself from him. But I knew I would be leaving soon to join my boys and I couldn't afford to get any closer. "I will always love you Elizabeth no matter what happened no matter how you act you will always be my everything." It's to late for me to change his feelings so I might as well let him have what little time I can spend with him. "We will talk about this later but I must go." "If it's blood you need you can take mine I know you never wanted to but since I am offering there is no need to kill. Right?" "Thank you might save one life but you see I enjoy killing humans and it will always stay that way." He didn't even let that last part bother him he is just showing his neck to me knowing I will still kill anyways. "You have wanted me to do this for a while, I can tell. Thank you though I wont be turning you."

Flash back ended---+++===***&&&

But before I could stop myself I turned around towards the booth only to see a wide eyed Todd stairing back at me. "Elizabeth? Is that really you?" OMG it can't be him, I didn't move half way across the country only to find him here. "I go by Sabrina now and yes it's me but if you could keep your mouth shut we can talk later !1!!" ( ß intense whisper) I cant believe Todd is Trevor's cousin no wonder they looked alike

To be continued ( soon but i have like a ft tall stack of hw and 3 mid-terms to study for so i don't fail wish me look.)

I will love you all if you vote/fan/comment please

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2010 ⏰

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