Tanya an orphan from south London has enough of the orphanage she's in when she's forced to miss a school trip she's saved so hard for then told she must leave school to look after the children then she decides enough is enough and makes a run to Ne...
"may I have this dance" he's a confident fucker but I knew I shouldn't but my traitor body stepped closer and then I said "I'd love to" I flashed a smile I took his hand his large hand making my small dainty hand disappear we danced to ed shearing thinking out loud "don't let me fall" I whispered as he span me around "Ms.Tanya I'd never" we danced and then he pulled me to the corner of the room and sat ordered a few drinks talking about life our plans and what we want in the future I told him about how I always wanted to marry have a baby and get a dog preferred a German Shepherd to name him king he was paying attention the whole time he also told me he always wanted to marry and have 3kids 2 boys and a girl to spoil rotten. Then we asked fun questions about each other "can you twerk" Shane asked me with a funny voice "I can" I laughed "ahhhh tan show me I need to see this" I stood up and leaned over the table and started to twerk witch ended up as a lap dance and Shane grinding behind me "Mr Parker where's everyone gone?" Shane took my hand and led my to the now empty dance floor and we danced with no music without a word then he stopped and called a waiter no older then myself being 21 "excuse me can you take a picture of us please" Shane asked "of course sir" he took Shane's phone and told Shane to hold my waist and smile "kiss for the next one this is totally adorable" the waiter said Shane pulled me to face him next thing I feel is his tongue fighting for entry and without a doubt I granted it and our touches fought when I gave in my hands at his neck his on my lower back and neck "cough cough" the small waiter said and handed the phone to Shane "your a perfect couple what yous have is beautiful I hope to fine a man who loves me as much as you love her" he said to Shane what made my jaw drop was what Shane said next "thank you what's your name?" "peter sir" "I am thank you peter and well peter just remember keep your eyes open you never know what's in front of you that you hardly pay attention to" Shane slips him money and he leaves Shane turns to me and kisses my for head I smile and stumbled across the room while Shane's chasing me I got to the lift and we laughed when Shane said "I'm a pig" his voice was husky "no your not your fantablous" I slurred "I swear I am" he said he drops on his knees and starts oinking at me I crossed my legs and laughed I nearly peed myself when the door opens he didn't get up so I grabbed his tie and pulled him I checked the time and it was now 5am and we had to me up at 7am "shame come on please" I pouted I could see people at their doors checking who's the one making the noise we got some who laughed and some whom rolled there eyes when a man who I didn't know stood out "Shane what's going on" he sounded passed off "were having a stroll to our rooms Im being a pig although I wannabe he a hero now" I smirked and looked down when my whole body was lifted "Shane where the he'll are you going now with a strange girl" he sounded amused "you never leave with a girl" he said "people change now into the night I so" he said calmly then yelled "to infinity and beyond" my bag in his hand and my shoes and my body in the other over his shoulder after a while he finely put me down and I linked him and led him to his room I opened his door and it was huge bigger then mine he put my shoes and bag in the floor "okay I'm heading to my room I'm 8 doors down in 108 if you need anything“I got a thank you and see you tomorrow with that I closed the door and walked to my room I pulled out my card from my bra and opened my door I trew the card on the dresser and unzipped my dress and took my bra off and put a vest and hot pants knickers on and climed into bed. I fell asleep straight away when a knock at my door I checked the time and it was 5.52am I climed out and opened the door to see Mr. Shane Parker at my door in just a pair of Gray Nike shorts and white ankle socks "Shane? You okay" I asked tired as I opened to door wide "I em can't sleep Ms. Tanya can I stay here tonight please" I'm going to regret this tomorrow "come in then" he was staring at me a few moments when I realised I just had a vest and underwear on "excuse me for a second" I ran to find shorts a pulled them on but considering the fact that they were short too I walked out of the bathroom to see him in the bed sleeping I looked at the floor to see his shorts so I pulled them on they were huge but I climbed in anyway and not long a felt a hot heavy arm pull me closer "your self as fuck in my clothes good night Ms. black" I smiled and fell asleep straight away I know I'm going to regret this tomorrow.
Next morning or 2 hours later I woke to my alarm hopping and I trew it across the room I looked to see the bed empty and fuck it I'm fucked I'm getting sacked today the last thing I had on my mind was Bobby I pulled the way to big shorts off and the vest so I just had my hot pants on and walked to the bathroom and opened the door to see "Mr. Parker your still here?" I asked shocked "erm yeah tan can you put something on I just don't need another problem" I looked and saw his boxer briefs stand up and I realised I'm practicality naked I turned cherry red and grabbed a tshirt on and walked back over "I'm sorry I thought you left and I normally walk around naked and I'm so..." I was cut off when he said "it's fine trust me I liked the view" I blushed he left the bathroom and I took a shower. I hoped out and grabbed a towel and walked out shanes gone so I dried my hair and put my make up on and pulled my skirt and top on I checked the time 9.40am only a hour and 20 minuets to go why hasn't shell knocked. A few minutes passed and the door knocked "it's open come in" I called I walked out of the bathroom to see Shane "Mr. Parker?" I said but it sounded like a question "Tanya please it's Shane and Michelle asked if you were ready but I told her I'll bring you after she said your cars at work and I'm taking you to breakfast" whys he so confident "yeah sure let me grab my stuff" I replied "well IV got your bag and shoes" he laughed I grabbed the stuff and walked out "here let me" he said as he took my bags"i can manage you know " I really couldn't carry it it took me and shell to carry it up and he lifted it with one hand, I need to work out" so know a good place for breakfast tan" he looked hungover but it was sexy as hell "actually I know a great spot about 5 minutes away" I said excitingly we talked about work and the new positions available and how I liked reception and things we got to the small Cafe "hey tan table for two yeah" Oscar asked "yep two please Osc" "it's about dame time you left him and by the looks of it you got a catch girl" hes like my best friend we ordered the usual and Shane got black coffee and pancakes just like me "that guy you were talking to what did he mean by its about time" he questions "well it's a long story it's not really important" he just looked worried I pushed it down and then we ate and talked about the company until I needed to pee. Shane parkers ofv
Tanya went the bathroom and her friend Oscar came to clear the table "hey I'm Oscar tans best friend I assume your the one who make her end it with Bobby thank you jesus the lord above she listened to you that poor girl could only handle so much before he broke her, you know I spent last new years in A&E for 12 hours with her after he got annoyed that her hair wasn't perfect"he took a deep breath "he beat her up? I'll kill him" I snapped she's to fragile and soft to handle that sort of shit "yeah he's a demon's child its about time she left him I think she stayed because his uncal helped her to run from London I feel horrible for her but she doesn't let her self trust as much any more" with that Tanya walked towards us her head high and pride and the false confidence she pretends to have. Why am I so wrapped up with this girl I left Oscar a very nice $100 tip for helping g a guy out we left to the car and headed to work with some conversation but I wouldn't let her know that I knew about her arse hole abusive ex Im not letting her slip trough my fingers
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