My heart was racing all I could here was boom ! Boom boom! I got blinded by a strong light ,I turned over but it hurted I looked over at chresanto who was Not awake I Immediately Panked.
"Chres Baby You gotta Get up " I Said Shaking him I unblucked His Seat Belt And Shook him .
He didn't budge ,I Got more neverous .
"Chres get up !" I shouted .He turned Over and looked At Me ,I put my name on my heart And I got out the car And Everyone was out there cars looking at us .
"Baby Is Karrie OKAY?" Chres Screamed Running towards me .
"Huh I think so " that Was Until I looked down and saw Blood I Already Knew what Was Going To happened I broke Down Crying As I Got Put On A Stretcher and Loaded into the ambulance .
"Baby where going to be okay I promise" Chres Said holding on to my purse and Phones .I nodded my head.
:::::::::::::7 months Later :::::::::::::::::::::
Makayla POV).
My heels where clacking On the floor as I walked Into My Job I own Bath &Body Works Where I Make All The Smells & Chresanto Owns The Apple Store .
"Hi Ladies Is It Coming Along ?" I ask peeking over a Workers Shoulder Looking at the Design There Putting On The bottle .
"Yes Misses.August & We do Need More Shipping Stickers Where Low " She said as she placed the diamond on the bottle.
"Okay thank you for letting me know you can have the rest of the day off" I said smiling she thanked me and walked off I went into my office and Sat Down Looking At a Picture Of Me And Chresanto When We first met .I was Interrupted When I Heard A Soft knock At The door .
"Come in " I Spoke & There walked In Chresanto With A Big Bear ,roses,chocolate and Some pizza Rolls This guy ;) .
"Hey Baby I thought I Stop Buy and Drop You Off A Couple Stuff " He said Smiling sitting everything down coming over by me pecking my lips .
"Thanks Daddy ,you really didn't have to & What kind of pizza rolls Are These ?." I asked .
He shrugged his shoulders and took one and ate it .
"I'm pretty sure these are Triple Meat ." he said rubbing my thighs .
"So when you get off baby I Wanna do An Double Date with You &Me ,Prodigy & Leah .,Prince&Niyah ,Ray &Lauren ." he said
"Okay Where Too?" don't worry about all that Just know go to Lauren's House once you get off ,Your clothes is already over there .! '" he said walking out .I shook my head and picked up my phone .he walked back in .
"Oh and none of the girls know " he said winking and walking out .I kissed my teeth ,that Little Fucker. I looked at my watch "5:35pm" time for me to go home. I collected all my stuff and walked out out the door I loaded my stuff into my Impla Chevy 2016. I hoped in and started it up & drove to McDonald's I knew the girls would be hungry . I finally made it to laurnes house &Got out with 5 Food bags .I walked in yes Lauren never locks her door slow ass :( .
"Yn Is That You?" she shouted from the kitchen .
"Yes" I replied all the girls ran towards me .oh I forgot to mention Lauren has 1 Kid A Girl Her name is faith .
"Hi girls & Hi Faith" I said Sitting the food on the table .
"Hi auntie yn" She said I gave her her chicken salad with grapes .& The girls got there food .
I picked up the phone & Romelo Baby sitter called .
"HELLO"She shouted ,
"Hi u called?" I asked .
"Yes romelo has gone nuts "
"Put him on the phone " I said groaning .
"Mama hello? " he said in his baby voice .
"Boy u better sit your ass down or there will be no fucking Christmas I mean that ! " I said .
" okay mama I'm sorry "
" OK baby I love you "
" love you too "
I hung up and sighed me and chresanto is always traveling and I don't wanna feel like I'm falling my child . :(
"Awww what's wrong boo?" Lauren asked putting mascara on .
"I feel like Me & Chres Is Failing to Be In A Child's Life Where always Traveling Never have time to sit and have a family day and I don't want romelo To Grow Up faulting Us Or himself Form are distance yah know." I said Playing With A Peace Of My Hair .
Lauren sat Her makeup Down and Turned towards me .
"Hey I'm Pretty Sure melo Knows That your not failing him & I'm sure He Knows You Guys are working To Make his Life Better Yn Don't Fault Yourself. Now let's stop talking about this and get ready ." She said Grabbing my hand pullin me into the bathroom .but I still had that on my mind .
::::Skipping to when They Arrive at the Dancing Restaurant .:::::
::::NO Ones (P.O.v.)::::::
Everyone was having an Good time & Lauren and ray are out dancing to Hey daddy By Usher .While prodigy and LEAH Are Eating Chicken Somewhere and Princeton And Niyah Are also Dancing .And Yn Is Just sitting at the table who hasn't said a word since they arrived . chresanto Pulled an Chair Up Over beside her as he watched her Play in her food.
Chres:baby what's wrong ?
Yn shook her head and contuined to play with her food chresanto moved the fork & plate away form her and she looked at him .
Yn:chresanto Baby Do You think It was my fault For Killing Karrie ? & Not taking care of romelo ? *sniffling *
Chres:What baby no I don't wanna here you talk like this,No It was not you fault and yes where doing everything we can to raise romelo.
Yn:I'm sorry I'm just ,just going threw the emotions right now babe ,we need to call off more and go on a vacation the whole gang away from drama .
Chres:whatever it Taks to see you happy now shall we dance ?
Yn:We shall.
And the rest of the night they danced the night away

My Bestfriend Is My Lover -Chresanto August book-
FanfictionYn & Chresanto has been bestfriend since they where 2years old .. But it all changes up,wen they start to catch feelings for each other. But something is stopping them from being together!