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Recap -

::::chresanto POV.::::::::::

I walked inside the house to see Yn Standing there crying .

Me:What's wrong babe?

She looked up at me and wiped her tears and flidded with her ring .

Yn:Chres Did You Cheat ?

My whole world stopped and I looked down at her angry .

Me:No Baby I Did Not Cheat who Told You This.?

Yn:Some girl named Ashely .

My blood started to boil and I looked her at and picked her up and sat her down .

Me:::Look Ashely Is an Old ass Ex Of mines ,We used to date before I got with you now she obbseed saying we had a kid and all that but we never did ,she fucked up 3 of my relationships and I'd Be Damn , She makes me loose you .why Would I cheat if You Got everything I need right here you the perfect body ,the nice ass smile and everything I love you baby and I promise I do .

I said holding her hand she wiped her eyes and kissed me and after  three minutes She let go and wrapped her arms around my neck.

:::::::Yn (P.O.V.)

Chresanto Was Right ! .Why Would He Cheat On Me ?. I Love this Guy a Lot I'm Glad Where Getting Married and Everything .

Yn: So Baby There's Something I Need To Tell You.

Chresanto Turned His Head Towards Me And looked down at me.

Yn:So You know how we had Sex The Last Time I Think Two Day's Ago?.

Chresanto ::::*Cheesing*Don't Say It your Pregnant WOO!!

He Started dancing I Was Relived AT Least He wasn't Mad Or anything he Whipped and Nae-Naed I Laughed and Recorded Him And Shared Him On My Instagram .

Chresanto:Gladly Baby I Also Got Some Good News And Bad News

I sat down and rubbed my tummy excited.

Chresanto:: Okay the Good News Is Me And The Boys Decided to come Up With A Group called Mindless Behavior .And the bad news We Have to Move All the way Out to Atlanta Georgia For The group To Start .

Me:ThTs Not Bad News Babe .LA Is Literally Only Like 5 Hours away I'm okay With That since I wanna get away from here.

Chres:Glad You could Think That Babe Let's go bed .

He picked me up and we went upstairs.

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