-2Weeks Later---
Yn POV ...
Its been Two Weeks Since that Incident At The Restraumt I'm still mad and Everything at my self I feel like I could of been a better best friend To Her Fr ....anyways I'm at the mall Right Now Because I'm Buying Tiffany some Stuff to get her back to be my best friend Lord knows o can't Live without her !!...
Yn:Chres Baby Do you think This Looks Cute?
I ask Holding up a IPhone Case.
Chresanto:(Not even Paying attention looking at his Phone)Mmh yeah baby..
I roll my eyes He's been like this since Last week part of me wamts to go through his phone but then I'm just like leave it alone Kayla but I had it today.
Yn:(Snatches the phone out of his hand) What the hell man Chresanto All You Been Doing For the Past Too Fucking Weeks Was Texting Smiling Texting !!
Yn:Man My Fucking ass Who the hell You Texting and I Don't want No Fucking Lies Chresanto Because If You Don't Wanna Be With - (Gco)
Chresanto:aye aye aye !!chill out with all that if you wasn't So Damn Fucking Trust Issues (Walks Out the store)
Man I don't give a Fuck Fuck Him And His Feelings!!!!!!...I sighed and his Phone Dinged I looked at the message
..???:Haha Yeah But I got the ring for $7,000 !
Wait all this time I was accusing him but he was trying to buy me an ring man. I fucked up let me go apologize ....I walked out the store & Looked for Chresanto I fount him over by the DQ ..
Yn:(Walks Up to him and Wraps arms Around His Waist)Baby I'm sorry ...
Chresanto:I forgive you ma But you just got to trust me .
I nodded and handed him his phone back. He ordered what he wanted and I wasnt hungry we got into he car and started The Car..
Chresanto: (Chewing On His Chicken Tender) Baby you still going to tiffany house?
Yn:(Steals A Chicken Fingers And eats it)No not today its late but I have a feeling Something ain't right,..
I say I turn the car around and speed to her house and I get out the car and open the door only too see.....

My Bestfriend Is My Lover -Chresanto August book-
FanficYn & Chresanto has been bestfriend since they where 2years old .. But it all changes up,wen they start to catch feelings for each other. But something is stopping them from being together!