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-2Weeks Later---

Yn POV ...

Its been Two Weeks Since that Incident At The Restraumt I'm still mad and Everything at my self I feel like I could of been a better best friend To Her Fr ....anyways I'm at the mall Right Now Because I'm Buying Tiffany some Stuff to get her back to be my best friend Lord knows o can't Live without her !!...

Yn:Chres Baby Do you think This Looks Cute?

I ask Holding up a IPhone Case.

Chresanto:(Not even Paying attention looking at his Phone)Mmh yeah baby..

I roll my eyes He's been like this since Last week part of me wamts to go through his phone but then I'm just like leave it alone Kayla but I had it today.

Yn:(Snatches the phone out of his hand) What the hell man Chresanto All You Been Doing For the Past Too Fucking Weeks Was Texting Smiling Texting !!


Yn:Man My Fucking ass Who the hell You Texting and I Don't want No Fucking Lies Chresanto Because If You Don't Wanna Be With - (Gco)

Chresanto:aye aye aye !!chill out with all that if you wasn't  So Damn Fucking Trust Issues  (Walks Out the store)

Man I don't give a Fuck Fuck Him And His Feelings!!!!!!...I sighed and his Phone Dinged I looked at the message

???:Haha Yeah But I got the ring for $7,000 !

Wait all this time I was accusing him but he was trying to buy me an ring man. I fucked up let me go apologize ....I walked out the store & Looked for Chresanto I fount him over by the DQ ..

Yn:(Walks Up to him and Wraps arms Around His Waist)Baby I'm sorry ...

Chresanto:I forgive you ma But you just got to trust me .

I nodded and handed him his phone back. He ordered what he wanted and I wasnt hungry we got into he car and started The Car..

Chresanto: (Chewing On His Chicken Tender) Baby you still going to tiffany house?

Yn:(Steals A Chicken Fingers And eats it)No not today its late but I have a feeling Something ain't right,..

I say I turn the car around and speed to her house and I get out the car and open the door only too see.....

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