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No One (P,O.V !)

So Right. Now Romelo Is In Daycare ,Chresanto Is At Work and Yn Is All Home Alone All the girls where Busy So Yn Had Nothing to Do .


I layed around all day missing my kids & My husband and the girls never have time anymore I decided to go shopping all by myself for some groceries for the house .I grabbed the car keys and slipped on my boots getting into the car bucking my seat belt blasting "Pills and potions " By Nicki Minaji .

:::At the store:::

I grabbed cheese tomatoes lettuce and Onions tonight I'm making a chicken salad for me and Chres and Romelo besides we need to start eating healthy .I turned down the snack asile and grabbed some oreos as I was about to grab some Skittles someone grabbed my arm I looked up and saw my ex rel .

Rel:Wassup ma Long time No See.

Yn:*Rolls Eyes* Hello Rel.

Rel grabbed me by my wasit but I pushed him back he can miss me with That bullshit .❤.

Rel:come on baby stop acting like that .

Yn:Acting like what as for you to know I'm taken and I'm getting married so fall the fuck back.

I said while kicking him in his dick & rolling the cart away I was Sorra kinda nervous .I payed for my items and ran out the stoee into my car I started it up and sped off hell .

:::Rel POV :::

I groaned as I got off the ground that little stupid bitch is going to pay see y'all don't know nothing about her she has done some quite awful things .! And I'm here to seek my revenge.! I watched as she pulled off chuckling little did she know I know where she stays .

::::::Chresanto POV .

I was just now picking the boys up from daycare Romelo got into a fucking fight with a dude named john He has A busted. Nose Romeo had a sprang hand Lord my kids?

Me:And when you get home bring your electronic devices down stairs .!

Romelo:*mumbles *fuck you,

I stopped the car in shock maybe its my head ?

Me:What did you say!

Romelo*looks me in the eye* I said Fuck Yo-

And before he could even finish I smacked the fuck out of him someone called 911 & Guess who got arrested ? I Did .

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