First day of high school

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I went to my room and started to watch a movie.

it was around 11PM when the movie ended. So i went down wanted to grab a appel or something a felt little hungry. but instead of the appel i see Justin and Ryan on the couch with Chaz.

dont you guys ever go home i said pissed of. 

Ryan: No never 

justin started to laugh and I just rolled my eyes and walked to the kitchen. so I gues they would sleep over again not a big sureprice i thought. i grabed the appel and was on my way to my room when i hear Ryan yell at me 

Me: what?!

Chaz: you cant just eat an appel look how skiny you are 

hear it go again Ryan said.

and i was like yeah hear it go agains. 

I started to go back up to my room when chaz yealed 

Chaz: you better go to sleep because you have to get up preety early 

Me: yeah you to because you are driving me!

Chaz: no actually not I am staying at Ryans house so i was wondering if maybe Justin could drive there and we meets there 

Justin: what Ryan you have not even asked me if it was okey and no i cant drive her

Chaz: why cant you drive her you did not want to stay at Ryans to night, And you just need to pick her up on the way it´s no like your going to another high school right justin?

Justin: yeah B-but  I I ehh -

Chaz: you what?

Justin: fine she can come with me 

Me: NO I dont want him to drive me Chaz!!! and it´s to late for you to aven go to Ryan 

Chaz: No it´s not to late and don worry sis we meets there okey: And one thing more


Chaz: do not wear something i would not want you to wear because guys stare like hell in high school:


and with that i was in my room.

*next day*

I wook up at 7AM and went straight to the shower. 15 minutes later I was done showering and I went to my closet trying to decided what to wear and with that I took out a black skinny jeans and a T-shirt where it stood I LOVE LA and o over i put my black skin jacket. 

I waited a few minutes when I heard somone knocking on the door i new that it was Justin so i put my shoes on and grabbed my bag and oppend the door. Hey he sad a little annnoyed 

whatever i said and went to sit at the front  and then I remeberd that justin will sit next to me so i decided that I should go sit the back seat.

*justin pov*

I knocked on the door and then she oppend it i said hey a little annoying and she just said whatever she´s so rude here I am picking her up and she cant even say hi. so ia sat down in the car and  she was on her way to sit next to me but then she turnd the other way to sit in the back seat like comon. thats just immature. 

I started to drive it was so awkward. she just looked out of the window not even looking at me serious whats wrong with her. She is always so i idont really know like she´s really weird.

I was in the parcking lot looking for some were to park the car and then she said there is a empty parcking lot

so you is finally talking i said 

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