camping with Justin

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I got home from school and knocked on Chaz door 

come in he yeald.

i oppend the door and Justin was not there just Chaz and Ryan

what do you want Chaz said?

Me: I need to talk to you

Chaz: can not you see I'm busy?

Me: yea playing games! Chaz it´s important 

Chaz: what is it?

Ryan just sat there and watched us like we war in a movie or something

Me: well Justin and I was only a few minutes late for class And that gregg teacher just gave us a note to go to the prinicpals office. So we went there and then he said that are punishment was to be in a theather and that we have the head lead.

wait you and justin in a theather *laughs*  Chaz said 

Wait it´s more the theme is romance i said in a pissed off tone

When Ryan heard tha he started to laugh so hard he feel of the chair and he just keept laughing on the floor. but i can se that Chaz was not so happy about it. It's not going to be a kiss scene right Chaz said

hell no i wont touch his lips. ohh in that case Chaz said and started to laugh as hard as Ryan is laughing.

guys comon I´ts not funny there is something more

Ryan: what can be fannier than this Ryan said

Me: well this one is far from funny!

Chaz: go on....

Me: well Justin and I got a bit angry at each other when we was in the principals office so the the principal said I see you guys have a few thing to work out so you guys are going and camp with the athletic teacher and some of the camp group. and Justin got really angry because he said that he was going to some party i think he said and the he went out of here.

Ryan: omg raight that party, sucks to be him right know 

Me: No sucks to be me right know 

Ryan: yea suck to be both of you 

Chaz: you will be sharing tents?

Me: are we going to sleep in tents ??

Ryan: hellllo your going on a camping trip not to a hotel if you expected that (laugh)

Chaz: so you guys are sharing tents?

Me: I dont know and I dont Want to!!

Ryan: so we should call Justin

Chaz: yea you right.

*Calling justin..*

 Justin: hello

Chaz: hey bro 

Justin: HI Chaz, are you with Ryan?

Chaz: yea, so I heard the big news

Ryan laughing in the backround

J: Ohh i dont even wanna talk about it, is Ryan laughing 

C: ehhm no 

 i cant breat ryan said (laughs) (laugs).

can you shout up Ryan Justin can hear you .

ohh right i forgot.

J: ohh he is so not laughing

C: yea well you know him annoying as hell

freshmen and senior (justin bieber fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now