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*Cassies pov*

I finally got home. And i Hear Chaz running down the stairs.


Me: In the skatepark....... why?

Chaz: you know how late it is?

Me: No I dont....

Chaz: it´s almost 8pm!

Me: thats not even late...

Chaz: yes it is for you! You could at least have called and told me were you where.

Me: Sorry!!! I am gonna go to sleep now.... Night Chaz

 Good night Cassie he said . And with that i was already in my bed i turnd off the light and falled asleep.

*next morning*

I woke up and did my regular routine. And then I took my board and went to school. I got to my class and in the class i saw Lindsey and Mitchi.

 So you ready for the party today Mitchi yeald from the other side of the classroom

of cource i am i yeald back.

I have been in this class for about teen minutes and i was aleady  bored so i asked my teacher if i could go too the restroom. On the way to the restroom i bumped into something, Or may i say someone.

Me: Watch where you're going!

Justin: sorr- ohh it´s just you.........

Me: yea it´s just me.... idiot

 what did you just say he said pretty serious. I got kind of scared 

Me: someone is in a bad mode


"then he he pushed me on the lockers"

Me: What the fuck are you doing your hurting me you stupid cow

Justin: you still think this is funny

Me: I never said it was funny now let me go........ idiot

Justin: Hmmmm let me think NO!!!!

Me: Fuck you!!!!!!!!!

Justin: I bet you want to fuck me

Me: your disgusting...... now let me go or i will tell Chaz everything!

Justin: He wont believe you, he knows you dont like me that much so go head tell him.

Let me go or i will screem 

He released me and whispered in my ear "I'll see you at the party"

I gave an evil look and he just smiked an annoying smirk

*Skip to end of school*

This was finally the last lesson and i better get home and get ready. I decided that I will call Valentina (the girl who would also go with me to the party) she answerd immedietly.

*Phone convo*

valentina: hey guurl!!!

me: Hiii bestie, so you coming or not

v: I'll be there in 5 min

Me: okeyy bey guuuuurl

V: beeeey beeeey

*end of phone convo*

10 minutes later sombady knocked on the door and i knew exacually who it was. I oppend the door and there stood my guuuuuuurl.

Valentina!!!! I almost screamed Cassie!!!! she yeald back, We hugged each other and then she asked what i was gonna wear?

Me: you will see later because now you have to curl my hair 

V: Then c´mon lets go upstairs 

We went upstairs and she curld my hair. when she had curld my hair she fixed her hair and while she fixed her hair  I put on my dress and shoes and fixed my makeup. I was finally done i went downstairs and Valentina dropped her mout oppen and said Omgash you look so hot damn girl i started to laugh and then i said well look at you guurl.

Me: so are we going now?

V: of cource lets go.

We took my car and drived to the party. when we got there the house was hudge and the house was full with people. I finally saw Niki and the guys, We went over to them and i introduced Valentina to everybody. I think Troy is in to her. 

I wanted to dance so i tokk micaels hand, And Valentina took troys hand and the girls danced with some randoms seniors guys. my body was really super close to micael we danced a pretty sexy dance, We had so much fun intill Chaz saw me he run to me and pulled me to Justin and then se started to yell at Micael i felt sorry for him.

*Justins pov*

So i danced with isabella and we started to makeup and stuff but then Chaz pulled me back and pointed his finger were Cassie was. She danced with a guy i got kind of angry but she won the bet with Ryan, Ryan will not be happy about this. Anyways Chaz run over to them and i followed him he pulled Cassie over to me and hi started yell at this guy it was kind of funny. But he was almost going to hit him do i pulled Chaz to me and whispered breath, When he had breath done i told him that i could look after her.

Chaz: are you sure?

Justin: yeah anything for you bro.

Chaz: alright that will be a good punishment for her.

*Back to Cassies pov*

Justin came over to me and said.

J: Chaz want me to look after you.

Me: not going to happend!

J: Well last time a checked it was not you choice to make

Me: well check again!

J: do you want me to go and get Chaz?

Me: I hate you!!....

 I can live with that he said and smirked god i hate that smirk.

Yooo Cassie we are gonna play truth or dare so c´mon guuurl Mitchi yeald. So i went over with Justin behind me like a dog.

Me: so who is gonna ask first?

Mitchi: ME!!!!!

Truth or dare Cassie

Me: Dare dahhh

go and ehhhm..... kiss justin on the lips 

I mean truth i said and gave her an fake smile 

oh no go and kiss him she said

Me: But!!!..

Mitchi: no buts now cassie 


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