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*Justin pov*

 I woke up to the sound of the theater teacher "Margaret" yell wake up. Both of us woke up instantly. and then margret said you seem to have it very cozy here.

Cassie looked at how we were lying on the couch and went up immediately and she said gross.....

*Maragerts pov*

so I walked in to the theather and see Justin and Cassie sleeping on the Couch they looked so cute lying on the couch together. So I woke them up and said you guys seem to have it verry cozy here. And immediately Cassie went of the couch and said gross. 

*Back to Cassies pov*

I dont even wanna think about how we was lying on the couch "gross,disgusting and every other word who fits with that". Anyways Justin and I went to take a seat with sixs other students. everybody keept looking at Justin like he was some kind of sexy hero or something. Then all sudden a girl came from no wear and just went straight to justin lap and they just started to make out. every girl in the room did a disgusting look so did I. Get a room i said and everybody started laugh, except Justin and the girl in his lap. 

and who the hell are you she said really bitchig!

Cassie. And you are blondie?

"Isabella" justins girlfriend who else? 

"Justin change the subject"

So Isabella you are in the teather? justin said

No!!! I just wanted to come and see you baby she said.

I think I am going to puke............. 

Margaret: Isabella you need to leave your not in the teather so go to class or something

Isabella: alredy......

she stood up and kissed Justin on the lips and went out. Justin just smiled like a big fool

Justin and Cassie please come up on the stage margaret said. We both went up to the stage and she gave us the script and said you guys can go to the room on the left and read the script and the next time we will rehearse. 

okay justin and I said. We went to the little room and Justin asked if he should read the script or if i should rea the script. 

You can read the script I said because I was really tiered

he started to read the script i did not pay so much attention. but then i heard something i did so not want to hear.

hear it goes

Cecilia: I thought you loved me, after everything I had done for you, you still treat  me like shit (*crying*)

David: but I do love you!

Cecilia: I dont believe you

David: Then let me prove it to you 

Cecilia: how

he leans in and kiss Cecilia on the lips

*Justins pov*

Omg I cant kiss her 

1. She´s a freshman 

2. She´s my bestfriends little sister. And 

3.  gross.

seriously I cant kiss her. Chaz is going to official kill me. And I dont want to kiss her.

Cassie: I am so not going to kiss you!!!!!!!!!

Justin: And I am so not going to kiss you 

we have to tell margaret Cassie said 

okay comon I said 

we went to margaret and Cassie told her that we could not kiss but she just gave us an evil smile. like who the hell is she the devil?

Justin: comon margaret I cant kiss her and you now I would never ever kiss her.

Margaret: No I did not know that young man and you to are so cute together so I change from kiss on the cheek to the lips.

Cassie: you did What, you cant just Change the script like that!!, And i will never kiss him and + he has a girlfriend.

Margaret: oh but Cassie you will kiss him or else you get detantion for a hole year

Justin: your evil, You cant just do this to us 

Margaret: But I can, You guys better go and rehearse that kiss scene she said and smirk.

Cassie and I looked at each other disgusted.

This is going to be the most embarrassing thing I will ever do.

See you guys tomorrow Margarets said and smirked.

It was pretty dark outside and Chaz will get mad if I dont drive her home and I am anyways going to Chaz.

Justin: Cassie I can drive you home I am anyways going to chaz.

Cassie: okay......

she went in to the car and it was quiet the hole way to her house.

thanks for the ride she said

it´s fine I said 

we both went in to her house and Ryan and Chaz came running to the hall where we were. 

so how did it go Chaz said

it suckt cassie said and went to her room.

*Cassies pov*

 we both went in to the house and Chaz and Ryan came rushing in and Chaz asked how it went and I was like

It suckt and then I went up to my room.


So they are going to kiss each other!!!!!

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