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Dahlia's POV


It was midnight and the halls had gone silent, the woman had all gone to bed.

The only people awake at this time were the ones who were on watch.

Well. Were supposed to be on watch.

I walked down the hallways as quietly as I could, they were much darker now that it was late and most the lights were off.

I poked my head around the corner to look at the room the guards sat. Only one was awake, the other 3 were fast asleep in their chairs snoring away.

God how simple it was all going to be.

I slipped my hand to the table by the door and took the 9 millimeter pistol in my hands and slowly slipped away, taking a large knife as well.

I walked down the hall again, making sure my heels made no sound as I opened the key rack and took the keys to the room that man was locked inside of.

That poor man, he must be so hungry, so tired, in need of a serious shower.

I looked around once more just in case and once I reached the door I slipped the key under his door and backed away quickly as I hard him take it.

He didn't get up right away as I would've expected. He stayed awhile, seemingly in thought. I waited. I wasn't about to let this opportunity slip away. I needed out of here. I had to get away from this monster.

After 30 minutes I finally heard him moving around and I pushed myself off the wall and took a step towards the middle of the hall as I stood, waiting.

The door opened and he looked around. He was extremely alert. When he saw me he stopped and looked as if he was about to run, but I held the gun out to him.

"Don't run....just hear me out" I said quietly as I looked down slightly

He stared at me for a moment and I looked back at him and sighed softly

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He stared at me for a moment and I looked back at him and sighed softly.

"I need out....I've been here 134 days and I can't be here anymore...a wife to that monster...the same monster that killed your friends" she said.

He looked me up and down slightly "go on" he said.

I ran a hand through my hair and looked around again, per usual.

"I need you to take me with you....I have planned the escape route....I have a key in the motorcycle already...all we need to do is run for it" she said

He kept a blank expression "and if I say no?" He said.

I stared back at him "I would hope there would be no need for doing that considering were fighting for the same thing...freedom...but if you did say no...I would scream for the guards" she said

He stared at me and after a moment he simply nodded "fine..." He said as he took a step forward and took the gun from my hand "lead on"

I smiled triumphetly and
Nodded as she started walking down the hallway and kept it quiet.

Even if the guards woke up, I knew they would be able to take them out with ease.

Daryl had enough bullets to take them all out in a split moment.

I walked slowly as we passed the door where the men all sat. 3 still asleep, one barely awake.

I turned and put a finger over my mouth indicating for Daryl to make sure and be quite as possible. He took the hint and continued behind me.

Once passed he stopped me as he indicated to one of the doors in the hall and I nodded as we slowly walked in. It was one of the guys room and Daryl was digging around for clothing and weapons and anything that we could use.

He grabbed a bag and started shoving things in and I watched the door. He grabbed some clothing and he turned and looked at me slightly.

I took the hint and turned around with my back facing him. I could hear the rustling of clothing slipping to the floor and I bit my lip slightly as I waited.

He gave me the okay and I turned to see him in a flannal shirt and some pants with boots and I looked away again.

I watched him grab a python revolver and he shoved it in the bag and he turned and looked at me again "lets go" he said.

I nodded and opened the door and I poked my head out and looked around.

But things took a turn as one of the men stared right at me, my eyes widened. As did the man in front of me.

"You bitch!" He started to yell but before he could utter another word my knife pierced his skull right through his eyeball.

I threw him past Daryl into the room and pulled my knife out, wiping the blood in the mans pants.

"I ain't nobody's bitch" I said venomously as I stood back up and stare down at him.

I caught Daryl's eye and sucked in a breath "we need to go, the others will get suspicious when he doesn't  return, they'll come looking" I said as I poked my head out the door and looked again.

I motioned for him to follow me and we both started running down the halls stealthily.

Once we had gotten outside we approached the motorcycle and we were about to get on when Fat Joe walked out and stopped and stared at us with wide eyes.

I held up my knife ready to stab him and Daryl was right beside me with a new found crowbar in hand.

Joe held his hands up in surrender with fear in his eyes.

He began to ramble about how he was just like us, trying to survive and that was the reason he was here with Negan and the Saviors and I shook my head in disgust.

Such lies. Profuse lies.

Before I could say anything, Daryl swung at Joe and hit him hard over the head with the crowbar and continued to beat his head in until it was nothing but a bloody gorry mess.

Payback for what Negan had done to his people.

"Daryl" a voice said from behind us.

I spun around and held my knife up and the man with long hair held his hands up "Relax little lady, not an enemy" the man said.

Daryl turned and looked at the man and gave him a nod as he stopped beating his head and looked at me.

I bit my lip slightly, still eyeing the man with suspicion.

"He's on our side" Daryl said to me, his voice gruff and deep with that southern drawl.

The man looked at me once more and then at Daryl who was quick to hop on the back of the bike. His bike.

He looked back at me "C'mon, ain't got all day" he said with a tone.

Can't say I blame him for wanting to get the hell out of this place.

I nodded and quickly got on the back, my high heels not making the job to easy, neither was the short ass dress I was put in.

I ripped out the silver pin out of my hair and the wedding ring on my finger and I tossed it to the ground beside Joe's body.

"Let's go" I said

And like that, the night air whipped around Daryl and I in its cool embrace, the man I didn't know followed behind on his own motorcycle.

And like that

We were gone

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