Choices We Make

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Dahlia's POV

It had been 3 days of cold nights and bright days, but the cold I was seriously getting tired of.

This was the south. It never got this cold here.

I had to resort to wearing thick knee socks

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I had to resort to wearing thick knee socks. Which I hated, might I add.

I sat on the steps silently, looking out over the area, playing with my locket, a habit i had developed over time.

"You seem lost in thought" Maggie said as she sat next to me slowly.

I looked over at her and smiled and shrugged a little "Not really" I said "I'm just thinking about how were all here like sitting ducks waiting to get shot down by Negan"

She nodded her head "Lately I've been thinking the same thing...we can talk to Rick about it today when they come over"

I nodded my head and looked down slightly.

Another few moments of silence passed when a door closed a few yards away and Daryl exited the little hut he was staying in.

A leather jacket and black and charcoal gray flannal and his normal ripped black jeans and black boots.

My eyes lingered on him longer then I intended and Maggie knew it.

She wasn't oblivious to the attraction I had for him.

"So you an Daryl...are you guys...I don't know-"

"No" I said "He doesn't seem interested...and its not like love is a smart thing to have in this world we live in ya know?" I said, trying to eliminate the mere thought.

" is worth it" she said softly "I don't regret it...I don't regret Glenn" she said.

I felt bad for her. Glenn sounded like an amazing guy really. I couldn't imagine what she felt.

Or Sasha. Poor Sasha lost Abraham.

"I didn't mean it like that" I said to her as I ran a hand through my hair and looked up at some birds flying by.

"I know...its just...Daryl isn't the easiest person to read or crack...and you haven't known him more then a month...I've known him 3 years now and I know when he cares about someone...and he does care about you...but just think of the fear that causes him..or anyone these days" she explained.

I scoffed and nodded my head "trust me I get it, completely" I said softly.

She nodded her head and she indicated to him with her head "you should talk to him"

I rose an eyebrow and shook my head "I'm good" I said as I heard cars approaching the front gates.

I stood up and Maggie followed, Sasha and Inid came walking out of the decent sized building and  Sarah followed suite.

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