I Could Never Hurt You

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Maya sat waiting for her to come so she can tell her who she chose. As, Maya was waiting she was growing more nervous and nervous. When she finally showed up. She sat across from Maya.

"You know this is the place. Where our relationship officially started." Maya said smiling as she held Chai hand. Chai nodded.

"This is where we first hangout and where we talked all night twice. Even though I barely knew you, Maya. I told you everything about me. I'm so glad that I bumped into you and I got to know you." Chai said smiling.

"Same here, I'm glad we became friends and that you were my first kiss along with being my first girlfriend. Chai, your the main reason that I revealed my true sexuality. Because, I wanted everyone to know about our relationship." Maya said.

"Maya, I know there's one person who makes your day, who's the reason you smile, who's your safe place, and brings you hope. I know you chose, Riley. It's always been Riley since the beginning. The two of you belong together. It's something I never thought I'd see. The way her eyes light up. I have never seen her eyes light up like that. Your eyes light up, too. They're light up right now. You can't hide this anymore. So, I want you to go and tell Riley. That you love her and it's always been her since the beginning!" Chai says with a smile.

"Thank you, Chai. For, understanding. If, I'm ever asked who was my first girlfriend was. I'll say Chai, and that she was an amazing girlfriend. Who helped me with my sexuality. For, if I never met her I wouldn't reveal the person I am today." Maya says smiling.

So, one more time: whatcha gonna do?" Chai asked. "I'm gonna go find Riley." Maya answers. "And then?" Chai says, "I'm gonna tell her I love her." Maya answers smiling. "Good. You'll tell me all about it, yeah?" Chai asks smiling. "Of course." Maya says smiling as she starts heading out. "Maya, don't worry. Riley, going to say yes! She loves you!" Chai assures Maya with a smile which results in Maya smiling.
The love triangle is finally over!!! It was always Riley! Sorry Chaya shippers

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