hanging by a thread•~•01

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The tired boy continued to roll and attempt to find comfort in his worn bed. It was the beginning of another week of hell for the kid, and one thing that's for sure is he was not looking forward to it. Tyler was that kid that could and would never fit in. He was never popular, nor was he liked by any living being on the planet Earth. Today was the beginning of another ten hellish months, full of bullying, teasing, and many variations of mental and physical abuse. it was Tyler's sophomore year, and with how his previous freshman year horrors, he was finding it even harder to get out of bed.

It was 6:30 in the morning and Tyler hadn't gotten any sleep that night. His anxiety was through the roof, sometimes it was so bad, that he couldn't breath, and not just a choking feeling, it's was more like...suffocation.

The hours seemed to egg on and on, as tyler laid on his back staring at the blank ceiling but Tyler didn't mind. In fact, he enjoyed just laying in bed, being consumed by his thoughts about literally everything. Sometimes memories of how his family used to be would come across his mind. How they used to before he came out to them. Many memories like when they used to go to the creek every friday night and have a small picnic. They would always laugh together, sing, dance, and just have a good time. They were that seemingly perfect family. Tyler's parents were both extremely christian, along with his siblings, so they didn't take to kindly that their eldest son was gay. Ever since then, nothing has been the same between he and his family.


Tyler turned to his side, only to realize that it was 7:55, and he needed to be at school at 8:30. the tired yet wide awake boy groaned as he rolled out of his warm, comfortable mess of blankets and pillows. He groggily walked to his dresser and pulled out a white, stretched out tank top, with a pair of worn black skinny jeans. Tyler threw off the clothes he slept in, and replaced them with the tank and skinny jeans. He briefly combed through his tangled mess of hair, and headed down stairs, snatching his favorite black hoodie that was hung on the bedroom door as he left.

He could hear the sounds of his other three siblings and his parents laughing together as they ate their still piping hot breakfast, but their conversations about Maddy's new boyfriend, and Jay's basketball game died down as Tyler slowly crept down the stairs.

"Oh joy, the faggot is here" his younger brother Zack shouted from across the table, scrambled eggs nearly spilling out of his mouth as he spoke. Tyler ignored his brother's comment and proceeded toward the front door, he snatched his backpack and began walking slowly toward his educational imprisonment.


Tyler kept his head down, counting the numbers of cracks on the pavement as he walked. Tyler always had his hood up, no matter what. It made him feel safe, like nothing could get to him if it was up. but that wasn't true.

Tyler heard footsteps behind him, it sounded like a group of at least three boys, snickering and whispering. Tyler brushed them off, he didn't care if they were saying shit about him, it's not like they can't say anything that hasn't been said to him before.

He was five minutes away from the school, still walking with his head down, and the group boy's still following him, hell they've only been following him for five minutes now and still haven't done anything bad to him, tyler was beginning to wonder if these guys knew him, and how he was...gay. His suspicions that he had about them were going away, and then a voice from behind him that he remembered too well, a voice he never wanted to hear again. it's was Pete.

"hey Joseph!" Tyler didn't bother to look behind him, or stop. he began to run, the school was only a few feet away from him, if he could get there before Pete and his little crew could get to him. The thing is, Tyler isn't athletic, he never eats, therefore he was too weak to run. Pete on the other hand was captain of the football team, he was strong, fast, and agile, so he caught up to Tyler in no time.

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