hanging by a thread•~•11

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Tyler slammed his locker door shut, throwing his bag over his shoulder. His heart was still in pieces after yesterday, he tried his best to avoid Josh but that was kind of hard to do considering the fact that they sat right next to each other in almost every class. It was awkward for him, but Josh was basically the most popular person in the entire school at this point, so he had loads of people to talk to, while Tyler sat there quietly, writing his note, trying his best to find the correct words and use proper grammar. As he turned around to head towards the front doors he heard the sounds of running footsteps echo across the floors of the now empty hallway.

"Tyler!" Josh's voice rang throughout the halls, Tyler's heart was too weak to deal with anymore hurt caused by the boy who once made him the happiest person in the world, but he couldn't just keep walking, he took the risk and turned around to face him.

"What do you want Josh?" Tyler said harshly, his emotions flowing overboard.

"Tyler I just  want to talk to you."

"Well maybe I don't want to talk to you, ever think about that?" Tyler's heart was about to give up, he felt like he was going to be sick at any moment.

"Tyler I've made a huge mistake, I need you in my life. I love y-"

"Don't give me that I love you bullshit, I won't believe it." Tyler was on the verge of breaking down, he tried his best not to let any emotion show. He looked over Josh's shoulder only to see the popular cheerleader Jenna running towards them.

"JOSHIE!!" She squealed when she jumped on his back, she jumped down and pushed Tyler out of the way so that she could be in front of Josh. "I missed you babe" Tyler couldn't believe the words he was hearing, he didn't think things could get any worse, until Jenna pulled Josh's head down so that their lips could meet. Any part of Tyler's heart that was left was gone. He felt numb, he turned around and started running as fast as he could back to his shit hole he called home.


Tyler didn't even close the front door, he skipped nearly every stair that lead up to his room. He slammed the door shut, he fell to the ground, sobbing the hardest he's ever had.

"I can't believe he's moved on that fast, and with a fucking bitchy cheerleader, and one that wants me dead at that!" Tyler couldn't feel anything but his empty, aching chest. He stood up and ran the short distance from him to his bathroom, he wanted to feel again, no matter what it took, all he waned to do was cut.

He rummaged through the nearly empty drawer for his razor, it took him longer to find it, since he hasn't used it in quiet a while, the last one was at Josh's house when Blurry was around and telling him to, but this time Blurry wasn't there, this was all Tyler. He picked it up placing it on his wrist, the cold metal making him shiver. he started slow, and light. He looked in the mirror, only to see a skinny, worthless, fucked up teenager who was crying like a little bitch. He pressed down even more and started going faster. He heard his phone go off, he paused, he saw the caller ID

joshie <3

Tyler didn't care anymore, he let it ring. He opened the medicine cabinet and looked for his anti-depressants, but they weren't there, he had completely forgotten that he took them to Josh's house last time that he was there. He fell to his knees and started crying again, blood dripping from his wrist and falling to on to the floor. He laid down and curled himself into a ball, hoping that he cut enough so that he bled out. His phone went off again as he lay there lifeless on the floor, hoping that death would come. He didn't have the energy to look at the notification, he also didn't care that much either.

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