hanging by a thread•~•04

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Today was Saturday. Tyler always was never the biggest fan of Saturdays, mostly because his mom was always off of work. He groggily got out of bed and walked over to the bathroom. He looked in the mirror and saw that his cheek was dark purple and swollen from where his mom had struck him last night. Tyler was disgusted, mostly at himself, but also at his cheek. He walked back into his excuse for a room and plopped down on his bed. He closed his eyes to try and fall back asleep, it was only 9:30 and it was too early for him. Tyler loved to sleep because it meant he could escape life in a way.
Tyler was awoken by the sound of his mother banging on his door. He jumped straight up, hoping that she wouldn't come in, mostly because he was only in his boxers. Of course with Tyler's luck, she bursts through the door. His mom was still drinking the same bottle of whisky from last night, she could barely stand up straight, she stumbled her way over to Tyler and sat down, nearly falling back as she did. She looked over at Tyler and saw his wrists.

"Tyler what the hell did you do to your wrist?" she was still slurring her words, a little more than she was yesterday though. Tyler looked down at his wrist, looking at the still bright red cuts that had begun to scar and scab over. "You fucking dumbass, i'm not going to pay for your doctor bill if you need one. God dammit Tyler, you're suck a fuck up you know that?"

"Stop, please." Tyler was about to cry, but he didn't want to in front of his mom, but he couldn't help it a few salty tears escaped his tired brown eyes.

"Wow I raised a pussy too." She had begun to walk out of the room, smaking tyler across his other cheek this time as she did. She slammed the door behind her.

Tyler just sat there and cried into his hands. He felt alone. So alone. He was about to get up again to find his razor when he got a call from someone. Tyler looked over and saw the caller ID. It was Josh. Tyler was hesitant at first to pick it up, but he just wanted to hear Josh's voice. It always found a way to make Tyler feel better, even just a little bit. He picked up the phone and answered it,

"H-hello?" his voice was tired and shaky.

"Tyler? Are you okay?" Josh's voice was so soft, it was like music to Tyler's ears.

"N-no, Josh I'm not." Tyler was going to lie and say "yes", but he just couldn't. He began to break into tears on the phone.

"Tyler, I-I'm coming over!" before Tyler could say anything Josh hung up.

Tyler couldn't move, he was numb. He just sat there and cried, like he almost always did at night.

Not even five minutes later Tyler heard his window slid open, then footprints enter his room. He didn't even bother to turn around, he was still crying into his hands. He felt a pair of arms go around him. It was Josh. He was sitting on Tyler's bed, hugging him as tight as he could into his chest. Tyler turned around to face Josh, breaking free from Josh's arms for a few seconds, then jumping back into his arms. Tyler rested his chin on Josh's shoulder, his tears beginning halt themselves. Josh was rubbing Tyler's bareback. Tyler could hear Josh began to cry a little as well.

"Why are you crying?" Tyler quietly said, as he looked up into Josh's misty eyes, a single tear cascading from one.

"Because I don't like seeing you hurt, Tyler." Josh's voice was choked up from trying to hold back tears. "I care about you. A lot" Josh was still holding Tyler close to him.

"I care about you a lot too, Josh. You didn't have to come over. I mean I look disgusting anyways." Tyler knew that his eyes were all red and puffy from crying, the two marks on his face where his mother struck him last night and this morning, his skinny anorexic frame, and his fresh scars on his wrist that he hopped Josh hadn't seen.

"Tyler, stop!" Josh raised his voice to a normal speaking tone, "You are the most beautiful human I've ever seen in my life! Beautiful doesn't even describe you, you far more than beautiful!" Tyler smiled up at him, wiping away the tear that had left Josh's eye.

Josh finally took in Tyler's face. He didn't notice the two hand print shaped marks on his face. "Tyler oh my god!"

"Josh, please it's fine. She was just drunk and it didn't mean anything!" Tyler hated his mom, there was no doubt about that, but he still needed a house to live in, so he needed someone to pay the bills. Josh looked at him with sad eyes.

"Ty..." Josh's mind was starting to wonder. He didn't know if Tyler hurt himself in any other way. He didn't want to bring it up either.

"Yeah?" They were still just sitting on Tyler's bed, Josh still holding Tyler, and Tyler holding onto to him for dear life.

"I-I-uhm" Tyler could feel Josh's heart start beating faster and faster. "I think I l-li-"

Before Tyler could even process what he was doing, he pressed his lips against Josh's. Josh was very unresponsive at first, mostly because he was in shock, but soon after he was returning the kiss. Josh put one of his hands on the back of Tyler's head, leaving the other still around his back. Tyler held on to Josh's shoulders. To Tyler, everything was perfect, like to Tyler, nothing could be any better than things were right at that moment. The kiss was passionate, it was pure bliss. When they both pulled away they just smiled at each other.

"You were saying?" Tyler teased

"Tyler, I think I like you. A lot" Josh was smiling, looking down to meet Tyler's eyes.



"I think I love you!" they both smiled and kissed again, it was short but still as passionate and powerful as the first one.

"Go get some clothes on, we're going to my place. I'm getting you out of here for the weekend!" Josh let Tyler go, he didn't want to but if he wanted to hold Tyler at his house, then he would need to let him go so he could get dressed. Tyler nodded and got up. Josh watched Tyler as he went to his drawer and grabbed a his hoodie, black tank and another pair of torn, black skinny jeans. Josh had to admit that the next best thing next to Tyler, was his ass in those black jeans.

They stayed hand in hand during the drive. It was silent, but not the awkward kind of silent. It was the kind of silent that Tyler could sit in for forever. He felt happy. When they got to Josh's house, Josh got out first just so that he could help Tyler out. Tyler smiled as Josh put his hand out to help him up and out. They walked to Josh's porch, holding hands and smiling.

No one was home. They had the house to themselves. Josh smirked at Tyler with the most sinister look. Tyler knew what he was thinking, he didn't know if he could do it, he didn't know if he was ready. Josh must'va noticed Tyler's face and stopped with his little smirk, it turned into a smile.

"So should we play some video games up in my room?" Josh's face was bright and happy, Tyler couldn't say no even if he wanted to. He nodded as Josh grabbed his hand and bolted up the stairs.

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