Chapter 1 - New Beginnings

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Yuu wasn't normally one to be deeply contemplative. 

In fact, he was more of a do-without-thinking sort of a guy; he'd leave the thinking to the others in the group. 

However at this precise moment, he felt rather... well... thinky-y. He was in the mood to reminisce, and so he did.

Yuu sat on the balcony, his feet dangling over the edge, as he looked out over the ravaged and ruined town they had moved to. It didn't look much different to where they had left, and it probably wouldn't look much different to anywhere they would go in the future; the Apocalypse, vampires and Four Horseman of John had made sure of that. 

He wondered what the Moon Demon Company were up to these days. He sighed and closed his eyes, semi-annoyed that he even cared, but deep down he knew that he did - even if a little - miss that jerk Guren.

"Ohh Yuu-chann~" cooed an annoying voice he knew all too well. The ashen walked up behind Yuu, taking precise footsteps and grinning sneakily, her hands behind her back innocently. She moved towards him, leaning close to his ear. Yuu kept his eyes closed throughout, and so was unaware of her presence. "Dinners ready!!" she spoke loudly, causing Yuu to jump.

Bad move.

He was sat on the balcony edge 4 floors up, and the scare made him loose his sitting, causing him to start tumbling over the edge of the building. He cried loudly as he began falling, but he was caught on the balcony below by a familiar blonde. He had to try and cover the small blush that had appeared on his cheeks as the blonde that held him close smiled, before commenting coldly "I told you we can't trust these humans Yuu-chan. Please run away with me. There's still time." 

"Mika it was just an accident, I didn't intend to hurt him" commented Shinoa, who had run down to the third balcony to see if he was alright. Yeah. Now she cared. Yuu rolled his eyes as she approached, but she was actually mildly worried.

"Yuu-kun! Mika! Shinoa!" came a cheery voice, and a messy brunette entered onto the balcony. "It's time for dinner!!" he smiled innocently. Yuu couldn't help but smile at Yoichi's sunny disposition, but when he again realised that he was still in the arms of Mikaela, he covered his face with his hands when he felt his cheeks on fire.

Mika - registering Yuu's discomfort - placed him down on his feet, to which Yuu thanked him quietly for catching him. Mika smiled softly and walked off with Shinoa and Yoichi. Yuu paused for a moment before leaving the balcony and going to the stairs. They ate on floor 1; the floors above were their rooms. There was no doubt that Kimizuki had cooked up something delicious for dinner, though Yuu would never admit it. 

Yuu entered the room they were dining in and took a seat on the section of broken wall they sat on to eat. Another section of the wall, along with a miraculously surviving table, was where the food was laid out. Yuu didn't know where Kimizuki got the food from, but he was always able to make huge meals.

This evening seemed to be some sort of meat with vegetables. Mika and Yuu both realised with a jolt what it was. 


The meal Akane had made before she... before they...

"You gonna eat that or what?" retorted Kimizuki; the others were eating already, but Mika and Yuu sat still. Yuu shot Kimizuki a look and was about to start an all out war with him when Mika shot Yuu a look that stopped Yuu arguing before he began.

"O-okay..." Yuu muttered, taking a plate of the food. Mika did the same, and grimly smiling at each other, they ate the meal, trying to hold in the sadness they felt as they both remembered what had happened that fateful evening, and how it had turned their world upside-down.

*     *     *

High heels rapped against the cold and polished stone floor of the elaborate castle. The sound echoed into the dark reaches of the vast place; no other sound penetrating the deafening eerie silence in the grand building. The footsteps stopped, turned, and started towards a wooden door that led from the huge room. Without knocking the owner of the shoes opened the door.

By kicking it in.

There was a loud crack as the sharp heel cut into the wood, which fractured, and the following scraping noises signified that the door had been ripped from its hinges. The person almost delicately pulled the heel out of the wood before slamming their foot into the stone. Yet again the heel dug into the surface, sending cracks in all directions across the once-perfect and beautiful floor.

Silence fell.

Then a voice. A tutting from behind. A man with long flowing silver hair tied back in a ponytail and devilish red eyes smiled mischievously. He sighed for effect. "You know that floor and door are going to need replacing now. That'll be quite the expensive job."

The heel-owner turned on the spot to face him, the heel digging deeper and the cracks growing ever larger. "You have some nerve talking to me, Ferid Bathory."

"Oh? Whatever do you mean?" he said, smirking. There was a swift movement, and the other heel was now only a couple of millimetres from his face. Despite this, his smile persisted.

"Why don't you wipe that stupid grin off your face" said the heel-owner, who started walking off. They stopped a few meters from Ferid, facing away from him. "I could kill you in a heart beat, you know that as well as I do."

"But you wouldn't. You know that as well as I do" he mocked. There was a plaintive sigh, and they started off again.

"Ready the troops to attack" they said.

"Attack who?" Ferid asked.

"Attack the division in the 5th district. The little group on their own. I need Mikaela back. The others can die for all I care." They started off again, the heels rapping loudly on the floor once again. Ferid grinned.

"As you wish...

...Krul Tepes"

(And so this new fanfiction begins! I really hope that you as the reader enjoys this new MikaYuu story!! If you enjoyed this first chapter then please leave a vote or a comment; I'd love to know what you thought about it!! Thank you!! The story continues in Chapter 2 - Closeted Feelings)

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