Chapter 2 - Closeted Feelings

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Just over a week after the curry they had had Yuu was sat again on the balcony thinking about what had happened the previous years and how they had ended up where they were now.

It was a story to tell to be sure. He could even see how their ordeal could be made into books or even some TV program, but he didn't think it likely. 

His thoughts petered out there, and he was left watching the sun set over the ravaged town. It seemed oddly tranquil. The orange and yellow hues shone in all directions, bathing stone and wood ruins in a mesmerising light. The sun itself looked almost alive; like a giant eye in the sky watching him intently as it sunk lower and lower in the sky to meet the once proud but now slumping skyline.

Yes. It was beautiful. If a bit... sad.

Just then there was movement behind Yuu as someone approached. Yuu raised an eyebrow as the person put their arms around him, but he almost burst into flames when he realised who it was. 

Mika held him in place on the balcony. "M-Mika what are you doing...?"

"What do you mean?" he asked, a hint of curiosity in  his voice.

"I mean... why are you hugging me... from behind?" Yuu asked in a measured voice.

"Oh, that. I saw you and got worried that you might fall again. Yuu-chan you don't understand how dangerous these humans are; you could be ambushed at any time. I think the best course of action is to-"

"Mika you know what we agreed... just try and be friends, yeah?"

"I will tolerate them if you want me too, but friendship I can't do"

Yuu sighed and stood on the balcony rail, walking up and down it.

Mika started ranting at Yuu in an aim to get down safely. Yuu smiled cheekily and purposefully leaned out; not to fall, but just to mess Mika around.

Too far.

Yuu's eyes widened as he overbalanced. He wheeled his arms in an attempt to right himself, but he was too far over. He cried out as he started falling the four floors towards his death. 

"Yuu-chan!!!!" Mika shouted horrified as he watched the raven plummet down. Without thinking Mika jumped, angling into a nose dive in an attempt to catch up to him.

The ground rushed upwards to meet Yuu at a dizzying speed, debris and crooked pieces of rock littered from the apocalypse threatening to impale him. Then he'd lie forever on some wall stuck through his chest. Yuu closed his eyes as his flipping made him feel sick, half wanting this awful fall to end. 

He felt something pass him, but he didn't open his eyes. Mika reached the ground first, bracing with his legs what would be an bone-shattering impact for a human. Without stopping, he pushed upwards, his legs driving into the tarmac, cracking it and releasing sonic waves as he shot off the ground towards Yuu. 

Yuu suddenly stopped his fall, and it felt for a second if felt as if he was ascending. He opened his eyes but had to close them quickly when he thought he was dreaming. 

He couldn't be being held by Mika mid-air... 

could he?

The pair landed softly on the ground; no impaling or death involved.

"Yuu-chan, are you alright?" Mika whispered to Yuu, causing his eyes to open slowly to meet the blonde, who stared down at him with his ruby eyes full of worry. 

"Well... yes..." Yuu lied, trying to prevent his cheeks from turning the colour of the blonde's eyes. 

"Good" was Mika's short response. 

Shinoa - who had watched the whole thing from behind a broken section of wall - now decided to show herself. She walked out from her cover clapping her hands. "Ooh well done Mika!! You saved the princess!!" she joked, causing Yuu's face to flare red.

"Mika you can put me down now" Yuu said without stuttering ('score' he thought to himself), and Mika did as he was asked. Yuu's eyes stared daggers into Shinoa, but she just smiled it off. 

"You should be more careful Yuu-chan" Mika said.

Yuu smiled apologetically and thanked Mika again for saving him before he stormed over to the girl who watched on, a smirk on her face.

"What is your problem?!" he demanded when Mika left to... do whatever Mika did.

"I think the question is what's your problem Yuu-chan~" she cooed, copying Mika's voice. "Have you ever considered that you're gay?"

"What?! Hell no!!"

"Not even a little?" she showed with her fingers.

Yuu rolled his eyes at her and she sighed loudly for effect. "Oh Yuu-chan... do you not notice how you act around Mika?"

"I don't know what you mean" he lied, and before the conversation could get any more personal he decided to walk away.

Of course he had noticed how he acted around Mika, and of course he had wondered if he was possible gay. He still wasn't fully sure, but it could be a definite possibility. Mika was... well... beautiful. Yuu couldn't deny it. Maybe... maybe he loved the blonde...


He walked up the stairs to his room, passing (you guessed it) Mika on the way up. He felt his chest tighten and his breathing quicken as he passed, his eyes averted to the ground least he be blushing like crazy. When Mika was out of the way he ran to his room, slamming what was left of the door behind him.

He walked out onto the balcony to see the sun finally disappear; the stars shinning brightly. As Yoichi rang the makeshift bell they had put together a week prior to indicate dinner, Yuu confessed to himself.

He was in love with the vampire Mikaela.

So god-damn much.

(If you enjoyed this second chapter leave a comment or vote! Thank you!! The story continues in Chapter 3 - Exposed Feelings)

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