The Silent Misadventures (2)

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I clench my dislocated arm and my eyes shut. Waiting for the kicks or punches to come, I brace myself. They didn't come. The crowd booed and yelled and threw their nasty, empty beer bottles into the drained pool. I slowly got up, gritting my teeth. The girl stood by the other end of the pool, wheezing, coughing, and heaving up blood. I don't wanna kill.

Wiping the blood off her mouth with the back of her hand, she glared at me. The shimmer of a glass shard is what caught her attention. The girl carefully bent down, and gritted her teeth. She then placed the shard, that was the size of half a pencil, between her pointer and middle finger, in a fist. The she started running towards me.

Then I realized something. She wanted to kill me. The girl didn't care at all, and she would sink to their level. And why did I even care?

Frantically, I glanced around for something. The shards scatted around my feet were far too small to do any real kind of damage. The deep end of the pool was behind me, still had some small puddles of water left in it. Okay, I can use that to my advantage.

I got to where I needed to be quickly. I stood there and looked at her with pleading eyes. She slowed down a little, as if she were considering everything. The look in her eyes wavered, but turned with fiery rage. I thought it was worth a try, to buy some time, I mean, or to try to stop her with pity.

The girl got as close as she needed to, as swung her fist at me. I easily dodged to the left, and stuck out my right arm. She ran straight into my arm and slipped on the water. On her way to the floor, she managed to stab my with the glass in my right forearm. A burning sensation flowers from my arm and I instantly bite my lip. Tears welded up again and the screams welded up in my throat, but no screams could be heard.

The girl fell backwards and hit her head on the tile. An ear deafening crack, rang over and over in my ears. The way her head bounced up a little after hitting the ground. The way she didn't move after. The way the puddles turned deep red. And worst of all, the way the crowds bursted with cheers and applause.


Authors note~, yeah. I felt like ending it here for now. Sorry it was kinda short, but you know,...never mind...I don't even know myself. So I guess, vote, comment, share, if ya want to. Have a fringetastic life <3


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