The Silent Misadventures (3)

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Everything played over and over in my head all at once. The dead look on the girls face. The crowd throwing beer bottles. Their applause. The demonic look in her eyes. The red puddles.

Frustration led me to grab the hair on my head. I pulled as hard as I could, and screamed. But no screams could be heard. I collapsed onto the floor, that's covered in her blood. The light slowly grew more and more intense. Then it all faded to black.

I woke up, with my right hand handcuffed to the pool table leg. My arm was already bandaged, but it still burned. I could move my other arm again too, but it still hurt. The area was empty, with rotting pool tables scattered around, but no one else was there. It worried me that there was no one else. What if Connor saw me cry? Did he leave me here to die?

"Well, look who finally decided to wake up." Connors smooth, deep voice said behind me. I didn't bother to turn around, or acknowledge him, which is probably a mistake. I couldn't turn around even if I wanted to. The handcuffs didn't provide a lot of movability.

"Well, that was quite a good show you put on there. Especially for your first fight." He paused, and walked in front of me. He had the strong smell of whiskey, and was holding a beer bottle. He's a very tall, slender man, with withering white hair. Most of his bones were showing, and no matter how much he ate, even if he did eat or drink anything other that beer, he wouldn't gain a single pound.

"Most everyone started tryin' to change their bets from you to her when she popped yer alarm out." He laughed slightly. "And boy, lemme tell you something, they all loved the way you brought that girl down!" I turn my head away in disgust.

"You are still rebelling against me?" His tone turns stone cold. "I could pop your arm back out again. Would you like that?"

Silence. I didn't move at all.

"Answer me, boy!"

I didn't budge.

I saw him raise the bottle in his hand. I braced myself. The bottle swung. I clenched my eyes shut. A few seconds go by, and nothing.

"I still have beer left in this bottle. I wouldn't wanna waste it on you." His voice was stern and he paused, crouching down next to me, with his disgusting liquor stench in every breath I had to breath in. "I took away everything you had and made you into something to be proud of. You should be thanking me, remember that."


Authors note~

Harsh, huh? I'll post part 4 tomorrow for all you cuties. Vote, comment, share, if ya wanna and have a fringetastic life <3


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